Cannabis is a plant that can be male and female, let’s see what their characteristics are, the differences and how to recognise them.

As with so many flowers and vegetables, in the case of cannabis it is easy to hear talk of male and female flowers

Knowing how to recognise the differences allows us to understand how each individual flower can influence the quality and quantity of cannabis production

Female flowers are the ones desired for cultivation, as they contain high concentrations of cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. In contrast, male flowers produce pollen that can fertilise females, decreasing the quality of the harvest.

In order to deal with this topic accurately and with due consideration, let us take a step back. Let us begin by explaining, first of all, how to recognise the male and female cannabis flower.

How do you distinguish male from female cannabis?

Male and female cannabis flowers differ mainly in visual characteristics, such as:

  • Stamens and pistils: in male flowers, there are stamens, i.e. filaments with ends that swell to form pollen sacs. In female flowers, there are pistils that appear, on the other hand, as small, thin hairs;
  • Structure: male cannabis plants tend to have more sparse leaves, fewer branches and a taller stem than females. Females, on the other hand, have more developed foliage, many branches and a lower, sturdier stem;
  • Buds and resin: the buds of female plants are richer in resin, which contains cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. This makes them more suitable for recreational or medicinal uses than male plants.

A little trick to distinguish female from male flowers is to pay attention to the smell. Female plants boast a more intense aroma, precisely because they are richer in resins. 

Characteristics of male flowers

Knowing the differences between male and female cannabis helps not only legal weed growers, but also enthusiasts of the product, to carefully distinguish flowers according to their specific purpose.

Male flowers, in terms of function, play a crucial role. 

Unlike the females that produce the precious flowers, the males develop pollen sacs known as ‘bananas’, located at the nodes where the leaves join the stem.

When they mature, the sacs open to flower releasing pollen, which the wind carries to pollinate the female plants. This process is essential for reproduction, although it can be a problem for growers who wish to keep their female plants seedless.

Not surprisingly, in legal cannabis cultivation, the appearance of a male is seen as a threat and therefore a mistake that can lead to no small financial loss.

Hundreds of plants can be pollinated (and thus wasted) by a single male flower.

come riconoscere cannabis maschio e femmina

Characteristics of female flowers

From a functional point of view, female plants are indisputably the stars of the indica and sativa cannabis business. In the initial phase of growth, before the flowers appear, the plants develop leaves with a decreasing number of tips. 

It is they, as we have seen, that produce the valuable cannabinoid-rich resin that is so prized by consumers in Italy and around the world. This viscous resin is basically a defence of the female plant to capture and retain male pollen.

The main properties of the resin are:

  • Cannabinoid content: such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), which are the main psychoactive and therapeutic compounds of cannabis;
  • Psychoactive and therapeutic effects: including relaxation, euphoria, pain relief and reduction of inflammation;
  • Aromas and terpenes: aromatic compounds that also contribute to psychoactive effects and have therapeutic properties in their own right;
  • Protection from environmental threats: the resin not only retains pollen, but also acts as a kind of natural defence against insects and other pathogens that could harm the plant.

The hermaphroditism of cannabis

Hermaphroditism in cannabis is a phenomenon in which a plant develops reproductive organs of both sexes

This can occur for a variety of reasons, including environmental stress, unstable genetics or interruptions in the light cycle during the flowering phase.

There are two types of hermaphroditism in cannabis, natural and induced.

The former, also referred to as ‘genetic’, often occurs spontaneously, as some varieties of cannabis may be genetically predisposed to the phenomenon. In some cases, on the other hand, natural hermaphroditism may occur as a result of the crossing of plants or genetic selections, which have not been completely stable.

Induced hermaphroditism, on the other hand, is purely related to environmental stress.

Sudden changes in temperature, inconsistent irrigation, exposure to light during the dark period, or physical/chemical damage can encourage hermaphroditism. It is, therefore, a defensive response of the plant to increase its chances of reproduction under difficult conditions.

Hermaphroditic plants, therefore, may self-pollinate, causing a decrease in the quality and quantity of resin produced, which is what growers and consumers desire for their cannabinoid content.

The world of cannabis is fascinating, to say the least. 

The beauty of the inflorescences alternates with the beneficial utility of the plant. 

If you are interested in learning more and experiencing the usefulness of this wonderful gift of nature, take a look at all the types of light cannabis in our online shop.

Mirko Cuneo

Sono CEO di Nextre Digital e Nextre Srl, web agency attive nello sviluppo e nel digital marketing. Da anni aiuto gli imprenditori a far crescere il loro business.

Ho deciso di aprire Maria CBD Oil, un eCommerce dedicato ai prodotti al CBD, un settore che mi appassiona profondamente per le sue potenzialità innovative e per l’impatto positivo che queste soluzioni naturali possono avere sul benessere delle persone.

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