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CBD Flower

CBD Flower

Discover our Maria CBD Oil legal weed inflorescences and the variety of flavours that accompany them. They are the most suitable option for those who wish to take CBD while experiencing legal weed with unique and tasty flavours. Our CBD Flowers are sourced from certified seed crops with a THC content under the terms of the law.

Cannabis light differs from traditional marijuana in its non-psychotropic characteristics and its increasing therapeutic use, widely employed by health professionals in recent times.

Erba Legale e Cannabis Light

Maria CBD Oilโ€™s Legal Weed includes dozens of inflorescences cultivated and produced using the best techniques

Why buy Maria CBD Oil's legal weed

Our company produces high quality, EU-certified legal cannabis. In fact, we use no chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilisers or herbicides. Each of our hemp plants grows protected from the elements and are not exposed to pollination or attack by bacteria that can ruin their properties.

Once the plants reach maturity, they are harvested and matured. It is during this process that the inflorescences of light cannabis take on their special aroma.

Each type of legal weed is sold in secure, well-sealed packaging that keeps the product aromatically unaltered.



Greenhouse Flowers

Shredded Hemp

What is legal weed

Legal weed, also called hemp/cannabis light, is an inflorescence from the Hemp Sativa. It is completely different from Marijuana as it has a very low content of THC that never exceeds 0.5 % as mandated by the Law. For this reason, legal weed does NOT bring psychoactive and side effects to those who take it.

The Benefits of Cannabis Light

Light cannabis is produced and marketed in compliance with Italian regulations and has a wide variety of beneficial effects.

The cannabidiol (CBD) contained in legal cannabis is recognised for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-anxiety and anti-epileptic functions.

In detail:

  • Relaxes and relaxes the muscles
  • Relieves stress, anxiety and depression
  • Increases concentration
  • Fights chronic pain and spasms
  • Controls mood swings
  • Corrects the functioning of the immune system
  • Stimulates fertility

History and regulatory framework of legal weed in the UK

In recent years, the landscape of cannabis regulation in the UK has undergone notable changes. Historically, cannabis was classified as a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, subjecting possessors to severe penalties. However, the early 2000s saw a brief reclassification of cannabis to Class C, reducing penalties, though it was reverted back to Class B in 2009 due to concerns over its impact on mental health.

Subsequently, in 2018, the UK government legalized cannabis prescription for patients with specific medical conditions. This change proved the benefits of cannabis in treating severe epilepsy and other illnesses, leading to public and political advocacy for legal access to medical cannabis.

Today, the use of recreational cannabis remains illegal in the UK, but the medicinal cannabis market is expanding. Doctors can prescribe cannabis-based products, such as CBD oils, regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). While access is still limited, ongoing debates suggest that the regulatory environment may eventually evolve further as evidence of cannabis’s therapeutic benefits continues to grow.

Difference between therapeutic and recreational use of Cannabis Light

Therapeutic and recreational use of the legal herb differ significantly. Therapeutic use focuses on exploiting the medicinal properties of cannabis, particularly CBD, to treat specific medical conditions such as anxiety, chronic pain, muscle spasms, and sleep disorders. This often involves controlled dosing and supervision by a health professional.

On the other hand, recreational use refers to the consumption of cannabis for pleasure or for its relaxing and feel-good effect. In this case, the objective is not to treat a specific medical condition, but rather to experience pleasant or relaxing sensations.

While the legal herb used therapeutically usually has a high CBD content and a low THC content, variants used recreationally may vary in composition. In both cases, it is of course crucial to comply with local laws.

Which light cannabis to choose?

Each CBD flower of Maria CBD Oil comes from selected light cannabis plants chosen for their excellent characteristics, however, choosing the best variety also depends on personal taste. To make it easier for you to find the ideal cannabis, we have developed a Cannabis light kit which includes up to 8 different types of legal weed, allowing you to quickly identify your favorite.

Main varieties of legal weed

Each variety of legal weed, or light cannabis, has its own peculiarities and can be used for different purposes, from the simple quest for relaxation to more specific purposes such as the treatment of certain medical conditions.


Purple Haze

Purple Haze, for instance, is a legal herb famous for its distinctive appearance, with purple hues in its leaves and flowers. Purple Haze is often associated with a stimulating effect, even in a sexual key, making it popular among those seeking an invigorating experience. Its aroma is typically sweet and fruity, with hints of berries.

orange BUD Cannabis

Amnesia Pro

Amnesia PRO is a light cannabis strain known for its strong cerebral effects and its ability to stimulate creativity and mental energy. It is often used to combat stress and anxiety. This variety has an intense and complex aroma, combining earthy notes with citrus and spice undertones.

orange BUD Cannabis

Orange Bud

Orange Bud, as the name suggests, is instead the legal herb renowned for its citrus scent and flavour, reminiscent of fresh oranges. This variety is often chosen for its balanced effect, providing both relaxation and mild mental stimulation. It is prized for its ability to elevate mood and can be used to relieve stress and tension.

It is important to note that the efficacy and legality of using these and other light cannabis strains available at Maria CBD Oil may vary depending on local laws.

Also read our in-depth article on the strongest legal weed.

serra maria

How to grow light cannabis

The cultivation of legal weed, or light cannabis, characterized by its low THC content, follows a careful process that requires attention and care.

Here are the main steps:

1 Selection of Seeds

The first stage is seed selection. It is essential to choose legal varieties with low THC and high CBD content, such as industrial hemp varieties.

2 Germination

Legal weed seeds are placed in a moist environment to stimulate germination. This can be done using damp paper towels, peat discs or directly in the soil.

3 Transplantation

Once germinated, the seeds are transplanted into pots or directly into the soil. It is important to ensure fertile and well-drained soil, as well as a good irrigation system.

4 Exposure to Light

Light cannabis requires a lot of light to grow properly. Under outdoor conditions, it is essential to choose a sunny location. Indoors, specific lamps that simulate the solar spectrum are used.

5 Nourishment

Plants require specific nutrients during different stages of growth. Initially, it is important to provide nitrogen, while in the flowering stage phosphorus and potassium are increased.

6 Pruning and Training

Pruning helps control the shape of the plant and improve flower production. Techniques such as topping or LST (Low Stress Training) are useful to optimize yield.

7 Collection

Harvesting takes place when the flower trichomes reach optimal maturity. The buds are then dried and cured to fully develop their aroma and properties.

8 Legal Control

Throughout the process, it is essential to comply with local cannabis cultivation laws, which vary by region or country.

So, growing legal weed requires patience and attention to detail in order to ensure a quality product and in compliance with current regulations.

What is Indoor legal weed?

Legal Indoor weed refers to cannabis grown inside enclosed structures, such as greenhouses or outfitted buildings, rather than outdoors. This method of cultivation allows greater control over environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, lighting and ventilation, optimizing the growth and quality of the plant.

Indoor cultivation is particularly advantageous for legal weed because it keeps THC (generally low) and CBD levels consistent with legal regulations. In addition, it offers the possibility of Grow specific varieties throughout the year, regardless of the seasons or outdoor weather conditions. Indoor cultivation, if well managed, can lead to high-quality harvests, with healthier plants that are rich in active ingredients.

Maria CBD Oil offers several varieties of indoor light cannabis.

Come conservare l'erba legale al CBD

How to store light cannabis

Proper storage of legal weed is essential to maintain its freshness, potency and organoleptic properties.

Here’s how to do it effectively:

1 Hermetic Containers

Use airtight containers, preferably made of dark or opaque glass, to protect the cannabis from light and air. This helps to preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes, keeping the qualities of the plant intact.

2 Avoiding Direct Light

Light, particularly sunlight, can degrade cannabinoids and alter the properties of the herb. Store it in a dark place, such as a closet or drawer.

3 Temperature Controlled

The ideal storage of light cannabis is in a cool, but not cold, environment. Avoid storing cannabis in the refrigerator or freezer, as moisture and icing can spoil it. A temperature between 15ยฐC and 21ยฐC is ideal.

4 Relative Humidity

Maintain a relative humidity level between 59% and 63%. This prevents mold growth and keeps the cannabis neither too dry nor too moist. You can use moisture regulator packages to achieve this balance.

5 Avoid Contaminants

Do not expose cannabis light to strong odors or chemicals. Residue from dirty hands can also affect the quality, so it is important to handle it with care.

6 Do Not Squeeze

Do not pile or crush the buds in the container. Leave enough space to avoid damaging trichomes and compromising potency.

7 Periodic Inspection

Check your legal weed supply periodically for signs of mold or spoilage, especially if you store it for extended periods.

8 Separate and Label the Different Varieties

If you have multiple varieties, store them separately to maintain their unique characteristics; label the containers with the name and date of harvest or purchase for better control.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your legal weed stays fresh, effective, and enjoyable to use for a longer period of time.

Side effects of legal weed

CBD is a 100% natural and safe product. When used in moderation, light cannabis does not give any kind of side effect while if used excessively it can cause much thirst and dry mouth. Sensation that passes after a few hours.

In addition, some individuals report experiencing a feeling of fatigue or exhaustion after inhaling or ingesting CBD. However, this should not always be perceived as an inconvenience: in case you have trouble sleeping, the use of cannabis can facilitate adequate rest.

The only caution is to avoid using legal weed in case you are taking medication, so it is best to talk to your doctor.

Looking for more CBD and Hemp products?

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It is very rare to see from the analysis whether you have been using legal weed. Drug tests are very sensitive only to THC, which in any case is not detected as early as three days after intake. In Maria CBD Oil products, however, the THC concentration is really very low, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

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