CBD oil to treat epilepsy in dogs

CBD oil is a natural treatment to combat epilepsy in dogs and to help them overcome seizure-related disorders. Before administering it to your puppy, however, it is good to understand how it works and with what functions the organism interacts. 

Sexual effects of CBD: how it affects the body 

The beneficial properties of CBD also cause positive sexual effects that help to awaken or improve couple life. In this article we see how and why.

CBD dosage calculation for dogs: rules of administration 

The right CBD dosage for dogs depends on several factors including the size of the dog, the type of product, the CBD concentration and the disorder to be treated. Let’s see how many drops of CBD oil to give your dog and how to manage the administration.

CBD dose calculator: how much to take and how

How to understand the correct dosage of CBD? There are various factors to consider, including product characteristics and concentration, in addition to the subject’s personal factors. Let’s see here the right mode of use.

Natural antidepressants as effective remedies to feel well

Natural antidepressants, such as Cannabidiol (CBD), are your alternative to fight depression and anxiety without having to resort to medication.

Skin with acne: understanding it to treat it properly

Acne skin is a skin condition characterised by the presence of pimples, blackheads, pustules and sometimes cysts. It causes discomfort and emotional dissatisfaction, but there are natural ways to treat it and have more beautiful skin.

Natural anxiolytics effective against nerves and anxiety

CBD products are excellent natural anxiolytics that help you combat states of anxiety and depression without resorting to medication.

Dry, itchy skin: cause and remedies

Dry skin can lead to an uncomfortable feeling of tightness and itching, creating a vicious circle that can become chronic if not properly addressed. From deep hydration with specific creams to the adoption of a proper skin care routine, you can restore your skin’s vitality and give it a healthy and comfortable appearance all year round.

Mature skin: treatments to take care of it

Mature skin has specific needs; it may show signs of ageing and loss of tone that can be counteracted with the right beauty routine.

Natural drops to relieve anxiety

Medicinal herbs and natural remedies can help you regain peace and well-being. Find out which drops you can use to reduce anxiety and feelings of stress. We offer solutions that are easy to keep on hand and do not attack your orgnism.

Sensitive skin: causes, tips and remedies

Sensitive skin has many causes and you may suffer from it even if it has never happened to you before. Fortunately, there are remedies for regaining well-being. Finding the right daily routine for skin care is essential.

Psoriasis: effective natural remedies to treat it

Psoriasis can cause physical and emotional discomfort, but there are natural remedies to help cure it, such as oils and creams. Let’s look at methods and products that will help you have healthy and beautiful skin.