How CBD works, find out through our articles. Find out how CBD is used and how it can improve our lives.

CBD vs THC: characteristics and how they work

CBD and THC are two chemical compounds that can be extracted from both marijuana and hemp. The former has no psychoactive effects, while the latter does. In this article we discuss all their differences.

CBD dose calculator: how much to take and how

How to understand the correct dosage of CBD? There are various factors to consider, including product characteristics and concentration, in addition to the subject’s personal factors. Let’s see here the right mode of use.

Cannabis light: what it is, what it does and other interesting facts

Light cannabis is a legal herb because it contains a low percentage of THC in favour of CBD, a substance with multiple benefits. Light cannabis has attracted considerable interest for its possible therapeutic applications and its use in products such as oils, infusions, creams and more.

What does it mean ‘entourage effect’ and why is it beneficial?

The entourage effect occurs when the natural compounds of cannabis work together, i.e. in synergy, and produce more potent and beneficial effects on the body, mutually influencing each other’s actions.

Can CBD oil break my fast?

Can CBD oil break the fast? How much and what effect does it have on appetite? We examine the available scientific evidence, the effects of CBD on the body and practical considerations, as well as methods of intake and calorie intake.

Therapeutic properties of CBD

The therapeutic properties of CBD are manifold, allowing it to support or replace classic medicines such as painkillers and anxiolytics. The ease of use and great versatility of the products make them suitable for all needs.

CBD in capsules and oil: what to choose?

Is CBD in oil or in capsules better? The answer is that it depends on the dosage you want and the occasions of use. Let’s find out together the pros and cons of CBD capsules and CBD oil.

What are the side effects of medical cannabis?

What is it used for and what are the side effects of medical cannabis? The alternative of light cannabis, a natural product suitable for everyday use, without psychoactive and altering effects.

Full Entourage: the effect of Full Spectrum CBD oil

The full entourage effect indicates a synergistic effect between CBD and other natural substances contained in Full Spectrum CBD oil. The combined chemical action of all these substances results in a more powerful and incisive effect than cannabidiol alone would have.

CBD oil: Ten Aspects To Be Aware OfL’olio di CBD spiegato in 10 punti

Still have doubts about CBD oil? Find out more about this natural product in 10 points that will clarify everything you need to know!

Tryptophan-rich foods to face life with more joy

Tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin, the feel-good hormone, and there are foods and natural supplements that help you stimulate its production. Find out what it is used for and how to introduce it into your daily routine to benefit your health.

Properties and benefits of cannabidiol – the natural health aid

The benefits of cannabidiol allow it to be used safely as a dietary supplement or as a component of skin care and wellness products, without the risk of altering perception or cognitive functions.