Having trouble falling asleep? Try a self-made CBD drink, CBD oil drops for sleep, or an herbal tea. They will help you rest better and be more alert during the day.

According to Maslow’s pyramid, sleep is one of the primary physiological needs. All living beings, in fact, have a physical need to sleep a certain number of hours per night. Recovering energy after a full day is essential to maintain one’s psychophysical balance and, consequently, to stay healthy. 

Despite tiredness, it is possible to experience difficulties in falling asleep. The reasons behind this can be diverse and can range from stress to, in the most severe cases, actual diagnosed disorders such as insomnia.How to act? There are several remedies that can help you overcome such difficulties. One in particular, however, has proved particularly effective in recent years and seems to be the most convenient from several points of view: cannabidiol. An active ingredient derived from cannabis sativa, it is used as the main ingredient in herbal teas and infusions. Let’s find out, then, what the potential of CBD drinks for sleep is and how they can help overcome the annoying symptoms of insomnia.

Why do you find it hard to sleep?

Taking care of your body means, among other things, getting a sufficient number of hours of sleep each night. Resting the mind and body is essential to regain strength and energy and face the next day with the right energy. Most adults should sleep between seven and eight hours a night. Children and young people, on the other hand, need more time to ‘recharge their batteries’. In both cases, however, rest is essential to stay healthy.

It is possible that in some particular situations it is not so easy to sleep. Whether or not it is a long and stressful day, it is never pleasant to feel the need to switch off and not be able to rest. But why do we find it hard to sleep?

Often the inability to fall asleep can be traced back to an excessive accumulation of stress. How many times have you arrived at the end of the day with your mind full of thoughts and worries? Falling asleep with a head full of anxieties and unresolved problems is anything but easy.Sometimes, however, the causes of this difficulty are much more serious. There are people, in fact, who suffer from a real and persistent sleep disorder. Known as ‘insomnia‘, it is defined in psychology as ‘the set of psychophysical conditions in which one has difficulty sleeping at night’. People who suffer from insomnia therefore experience repeated objective difficulty in getting to sleep, which can have more or less serious consequences on a physical and mental level: facing a day or a whole week of work with little or no sleep can be truly debilitating.

What are the symptoms of insomnia?

Adults and children actually need to recover their strength at the end of the day to have the necessary energy to start the next one. People suffering from insomnia do not have the opportunity to cope with this recovery process in the correct manner and find it difficult to cope with normal daily activities. This is why insomnia can be a very disabling condition.

The causes of this persistent disorder are not necessarily clinical reasons. On the clinical side, insomnia can manifest itself as a consequence of cases of depression or people with thyroid problems. Other reasons that can lead to the development of this disorder, however, can be an unhealthy and excessively sedentary lifestyle, compulsive use of electronic devices, repeated intake of caffeine or energy drinks before going to sleep or even an unhealthy diet.

The causes, as reported, are many. But how to notice the onset of the disorder and what are its symptoms? The symptom par excellence is, of course, repeated difficulty in getting or keeping sleeping. This is often accompanied by frequent awakenings during the night and difficulty falling asleep again despite tiredness. The most frequent consequences are the onset of anxiety, headache, nervousness that turns into anger in the most severe cases. In the long run, insomnia can lead to the development of bipolar disorder, social anxiety or depression.

Is CBD effective for insomnia?

Without prejudice to the need to always consult one’s general practitioner, there is a new and natural solution that can alleviate, at least in part, the suffering of sufferers. This solution is called CBD and is known worldwide as the non-psychoactive component of cannabis with incredible beneficial properties.

Extracted from cannabis sativa flowers, CBD is an active ingredient whose interaction with the body produces very positive results. Due to its proven healing properties, taking cannabidiol-based products helps people suffering from insomnia to mentally relax and sleep better.

But how can a natural principle interact with sleep functions? The process is actually quite simple: cannabidiol interacts directly with a human system called cannabinoid, which is responsible for maintaining balance within the body. This system detects alterations due to changes in the external environment and goes about restoring internal homeostasis. The sleep cycle is a natural process that, as such, must be regularised. The disorder of insomnia presents itself as an alteration of this balance. The combined action of CBD and the endocannabinoid system rebalances the sleep cycle, allowing those affected to rest.

What CBD products for sleep?

Suffering from insomnia is anything but pleasant and people suffering from this disorder are always looking for alternative methods to try to overcome it. Given the ever-increasing demand, the market is gearing up to offer an increasing variety of CBD-containing products for sleeping. Herbal teas, oils, lotions and cannabidiol drinks are among the popular options available. But that’s not all. The CBD product sector also offers a whole range of edibles, as well as creams and topical products containing the active ingredient extracted from cannabis.

If you are looking for a CBD sleeping drink, the advice is to opt for a flavoured CBD herbal tea that also contains many other natural and beneficial ingredients for the body. Another solution would be to buy CBD sleeping drops directly and take a few drops every night before bedtime. The choice of one or the other alternative depends as much on your daily needs as on your habits.

CBD drops against insomnia

Speaking of CBD sleep drinks, one of the best products on the market is undoubtedly Maria CBD 

Sleep Oil – Sleep Solution in a full spectrum oil. It contains chamomile accompanied by 10% CBD and 5% CBN, another active ingredient derived from cannabis sativa. This CBD sleep drink is developed according to a unique formula that allows the full potential of the three ingredients combined to be realised, thus promoting deep and relaxing sleep.

CBD, CBN and chamomile, however, are not the only components of these full Spectrum oil drops. In fact, coconut oil and a carrier oil of natural origin have also been mixed in to aid absorption of the product into the body.

To be taken regularly every night before going to bed, it is a 100% natural and pure product and an effective, natural and quality solution.

tisana al cbd per dormire

CBD herbal tea for better sleep

If you’re looking for a CBD sleep drink to sip before bed, Maria CBD Oil’s CBD Sleep Herbal Tea will not disappoint. 100% vegan, natural and organic, it is prepared with cannabidiol extract, chamomile and valerian. The combination of these natural herbs that, by definition, promote sleep, combined with the relaxing properties of cannabidiol, makes this CBD herbal tea the perfect CBD sleep drink for any need.

In addition to offering concrete support and improving the quality of sleep in general, Maria’s CBD Oil shop proposal helps relieve anxiety and stress, thus proving to be the perfect ally after a long, heavy day at work. But that’s not all! The infusion available online can be prepared in two different ways, hot and cold, depending on taste and season of the year.

When to take CBD for sleep?

Not being able to rest can create quite a few difficulties, which may lead several people suffering from insomnia to incorporate CBD into their daily routine. But when to take CBD for sleep and in what quantities?

The first piece of advice is always the same: always consult your general practitioner. Although cannabidiol is a natural active ingredient with no particular side effects, it is still a foreign substance that we introduce into the body. To avoid complications, therefore, it is always best to rely on the judgement of an expert.

For the rest, it is preferable to take the CBD drink to sleep an hour or two before bedtime so that the active ingredient has physical time to take effect. The timing depends very much on the type of cannabidiol product you decide to take. Creams and topical products, oils and lotions are absorbed more quickly and, consequently, have more immediate effects. Drinks, on the other hand, require a longer absorption time.

How much CBD is needed for sleep?

Once we have explored the causes and symptoms of insomnia and discovered the new CBD based natural solution, one question arises: how much CBD do we need to sleep?

The quantities of active ingredient required vary greatly from person to person depending on various factors such as weight, intake of other medications and severity of the sleep disorder to be treated. In general, the advice is always not to overdo it and to consider that cannabidiol is always a new substance and, therefore, must be introduced into the body gradually. Ideally, therefore, one should start with very low doses to test the body’s response and gradually increase as needed.

Mirko Cuneo

Sono CEO di Nextre Digital e Nextre Srl, web agency attive nello sviluppo e nel digital marketing. Da anni aiuto gli imprenditori a far crescere il loro business.

Ho deciso di aprire Maria CBD Oil, un eCommerce dedicato ai prodotti al CBD, un settore che mi appassiona profondamente per le sue potenzialità innovative e per l’impatto positivo che queste soluzioni naturali possono avere sul benessere delle persone.

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