Tryptophan is a substance that affects good mood and sleep quality. It is not found in the body but can be taken in through certain foods and substances.

Is good humour something that is or is not there? Or is it something that can be stimulated and brought back to high levels when it is somewhat lacking?

When you are in a bad mood, you feel tired, you don’t feel like doing anything, life seems tasteless and, if this condition persists over time, you even risk falling into depression.

You should know that there is a hormone in your body that takes care of your good mood and that is serotonin, also called the “happy hormone”. When serotonin levels are high, you feel much more cheerful and happy, while when levels are low, you feel moody.

Is it possible to act on serotonin? Absolutely, for this you need to know tryptophan.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is not found in the body but can be taken in through certain foods and is the substance that acts most quickly on good mood and sleep quality.

In short, this tryptophan seems to be one of those miracle substances that only a few people know about. That’s why we decided to tell you about it.

What is tryptophan

Tryptophan, also called L-tryptophan, is an essential amino acid. It’s essential because, as we have already mentioned, it’s not produced directly by the body but must be ingested through a diet that has foods that include it.

How does it affect serotonin? Quite simply: at the moment it is taken in, the body converts it into serotonin.

The body only needs small amounts of tryptophan to increase serotonin levels. This conversion occurs both in the nervous system and directly in the intestines, precisely because the amino acid is taken up through food.

But let’s see why it is so important for the body.

la molecola del triptofano
Tryptophan molecule

What tryptophan is used for

We can speak of tryptophan as a precursor of serotonin and melatonin. Four main effects derive from this fact: 

  • Improves mood: the main function of tryptophan is to increase serotonin levels and thus improve mood;
  • Positively affects sleep: a second major effect of tryptophan is on melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, as it makes it easier to fall asleep and harder to wake up (since tryptophan works on the REM phase, where sleep is deepest);
  • Improves memory: scientific studies have shown that tryptophan is even able to affect the brain by improving memory;

Produces more energy: tryptophan is also instrumental in the synthesis of niacin, a vitamin that converts macronutrients (food that you take into your body in large quantities and from which you derive your main energy intake) into energy.

What food is found in

But in which foods is this tryptophan, so beneficial to the body, found? Knowing them is the basis for creating a balanced diet and thus achieving a better mood.

To find out which foods contain tryptophan, we relied on the Nutrition Data database, which lists products with high and low levels of a component of our choice, in this case tryptophan.

They mainly contain it:

  • Eggs, especially dried egg whites;
  • Soy, especially soy protein isolate;
  • Whole-grain cereal flours;
  • Fish, such as cod;
  • Molluscs;
  • Crab meat;
  • Game;
  • Spirulina algae;
  • Dairy products;
  • Chocolate;
  • Banana

It’s evident that tryptophan is found in both vegetable and animal proteins. Bananas, in particular, contain a high percentage of tryptophan. Although you would have to eat about ten of them to get even a gram!

Why did we focus on bananas? Because if you want to incorporate this amino acid into your diet, you should not only concern yourself with the foods that contain it. Obviously, tryptophan is not the only substance they are composed of and the other components may affect assimilation.

Instead, the banana, for example, is good for your body in so many ways, including the tryptophan.

What are the side effects of tryptophan 

Natural foods are usually the most recommended to avoid contraindications. However, when we talk about potent substances, allergic responses or interactions with other substances may occur.

Tryptophan is generally well tolerated. Numerous scientific tests have now been carried out and no side effects have emerged when subjects have taken the recommended dose.

The dosage obviously varies depending on the desired result. Research suggests that most people take 1 gram per day and some go as high as 4-5 grams per day. Side effects have emerged with very high dosages, such as 70-200 mg/kg, which can lead to tremors, excessive sweating and even delirium.

On the contrary, it is easier to run into side effects if large amounts of serotonin are taken together with antidepressant drugs. A person suffering from depression might be led to think that an accumulation of serotonin helps to treat the disorder faster. In reality, it can lead to a full-blown syndrome with nausea, dizziness, diarrhoea and nervousness.

Can supplementing tryptophan in the diet be helpful?

Tryptophan can be taken through the foods listed above or through supplements. In the latter, the concentration of tryptophan is obviously higher and you risk overdosing if you want to overdo it. On the contrary, through a balanced diet it is much easier to assimilate just enough tryptophan to bring back the good mood.

Do not think that the intake of tryptophan from food is insufficient to achieve results. This was demonstrated by research from 2014 on the effects of stress and dietary tryptophan enhancement on alcohol cravings in chronic drinkers. Researchers boosted the level of tryptophan in the diet to see if it could modulate alcohol cravings. In subjects who occasionally consumed too much alcohol, it reduced the need for it, precisely because it reduced the stress from which they were afflicted.

This shows us that a diet designed to increase serotonin levels through the intake of tryptophan can actually give results.

The link between tryptophan and CBD

Like tryptophan, other natural substances are also able to increase serotonin levels and restore good mood: these include cannabinoids, found in the hemp plant.

Cannabinoids, specifically CBD and THC, affect serotonin levels because they interact with the endocannabinoid system present in the central and peripheral nervous system.

The endocannabinoid system regulates many functions of the body such as appetite, sleep and of course mood

Particularly effective are products where CBD, hemp’s most important active ingredient, is combined with THC. Indeed, the latter interacts with the CB1 receptors in the system responsible for activating so-called serotonergic neurons. It is from these neurons, present in the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal system, that serotonin is synthesised.

Numerous scientific studies have tested CBD products in the treatment of anxiety, stress and depression. The results have been so encouraging that they make them a viable natural alternative to anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs. Not least because CBD solves the problem at source, unlike traditional drugs, and does so without causing addiction or dependence.

When CBD is combined with THC and all the other natural substances present in the hemp plant, the so-called “entourage effect” takes place. The properties of all these substances, and in particular the benefits of CBD, are amplified precisely due to their working in synergy.

Natural supplements for your well-being 

A balanced diet can be combined with the skilful use of natural supplements, ideal for treating ailments you suffer from or simply to help you stay healthy and thus prevent future illnesses.

Natural supplements are generally safer than traditional drugs, although you must always pay attention to the correct dosage and how to use them.

If you are already undergoing treatment for a medical condition, you should first consult your doctor to make sure that the food supplement in question does not interfere with your current treatment.

That said, there is nothing to stop you from getting back in a good mood, sleeping better and performing much better throughout your day and in all the activities you do.

If you are interested in CBD products, you can find many of them in our shop. Cannabis has been used in alternative natural medicine for thousands of years and still continues to amaze scientists and consumers today. Visit our store now to discover the entire collection.

Mirko Cuneo

Sono CEO di Nextre Digital e Nextre Srl, web agency attive nello sviluppo e nel digital marketing. Da anni aiuto gli imprenditori a far crescere il loro business.

Ho deciso di aprire Maria CBD Oil, un eCommerce dedicato ai prodotti al CBD, un settore che mi appassiona profondamente per le sue potenzialità innovative e per l’impatto positivo che queste soluzioni naturali possono avere sul benessere delle persone.

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