Hemp oil, also called cannabis oil or CBD oil, is an ancient natural remedy rich in substances for the treatment of numerous ailments.

Hemp oil is an ancient natural remedy for the treatment of numerous ailments and diseases. This was what the ancients believed and is what science is also confirming.  

In recent years, we have heard more and more about cannabis, a plant from which countless products are derived. Among these, hemp oil and CBD oil are enjoying great success.  

They are perfect for keeping the body healthy, for treating skin blemishes, for calming pain and inflammation, for easing anxiety and depression, and they even appear to have all the makings of a cancer cure.

In addition, hemp oil is rich in nutrients and totally natural.  

But are hemp oil and CBD oil the same thing? What are their properties? And the benefits? We will answer all these questions and many more.  

What is hemp oil 

Hemp oil is a natural product made from the seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant. There are different types of cannabis, but the Sativa variety is the one with the lowest THC content, the psychoactive active ingredient that provides the sense of ‘high’. 

CBD, another famous non-psychoactive active ingredient, is extracted from hemp leaves. Extraction is done by cold-pressing the seeds, which are rich in nutrients. Cannabis contains many beneficial components such as vitamins, minerals, essential fats, flavonoids and many others. In particular, it contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for the proper functioning of the entire body.  

Hemp oil is therefore loaded with nutrients, which are particularly effective precisely because they work in synergy with each other. Exactly as happens in nature within the plant.  

What are the types of cannabis oil 

The cannabis plant is composed of different parts and from each of these a different product is derived. This means that there is not just one cannabis oil, but several different types. Each is derived from a different variety of cannabis or one of its components.

The various cannabis oils are:  

  • Hemp oil: greenish in colour, it is produced by extracting the active ingredients from hemp seeds, which makes it very nutritious and very light because the cannabinoids are present in a small percentage;  
  • Hemp seed oil: different from hemp oil, no cannabinoids are present in hemp seed oil. This oil is extracted from the seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant and is considered a foodstuff, rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids; 
  • CBD oil: this product has a much higher percentage of cannabidiol, which is extracted and bottled either individually or together with all the other natural components depending on the product desired, and may also contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or be free of it; 
  • Marijuana oil: in contrast to the other two previous versions, this variety contains a high percentage of THC, which makes it suitable for medical or recreational purposes, in jargon referred to as ‘medical cannabis’, i.e. a product that can only be purchased in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription for the treatment of particularly serious illnesses. 

In conclusion, what changes between the different oils is the concentration of cannabinoids and the presence of other natural nutrients.  

Difference between hemp oil and CBD oil 

Hemp oil and CBD oil can easily be confused; in fact, we have seen that they are two quite different products. But let us understand this difference better.  

Hemp oil is obtained by cold-pressing hemp seeds. The seeds contain a low percentage of cannabinoids, less than 0.3% (hence also CBD). But at the same time they are rich in nutrients, such as Omega.  

CBD oil, on the other hand, is obtained by using the plant part of the hemp plant, i.e. the leaves, flowers and stems. These components contain more CBD than the seeds and consequently the oil contains all its properties.  

There is no one type of oil that is better than another. The right cannabis oil is the one that meets your needs. If you are looking for a natural nourishing oil, hemp oil is the ideal solution. If, on the other hand, you want a higher cannabidiol concentration, you can go for CBD oil.  

per cosa si utilizza l'olio di cbd

CBD oil broad and full spectrum 

CBD oil can also be produced by combining the therapeutic action of cannabidiol with the healing efficacy of other natural substances present within cannabis. These substances are vitamins, minerals, proteins, flavonoids, terpenes, fibres, essential fats and, of course, the other cannabinoids. There are over a hundred of them in hemp.

The combination of these substances gives rise to two different varieties of CBD oil: 

  • Broad spectrum or broad spectrum: CBD and other natural substances are present, but it is devoid of THC, which means it lacks the active ingredient responsible for the high feeling;  
  • Full spectrum: as in broad spectrum, CBD and the other substances are present, and THC is also contained here.  

Again, there is no one version that is better than the other, it all depends on one’s needs. Until a few decades ago, it was thought that THC was the one with the right properties for treating illnesses. However, scientists have shown that CBD is just as effective but without causing any mental alteration.  

Some scientists claim that for the treatment of certain diseases, greater results are seen with the combined action of CBD and THC. However, more scientific evidence is needed to be certain.  

The properties of hemp oil 

Hemp oil is a particularly nutritious oil, which is why it is interesting to pause and analyse its properties. First of all, hemp oil is rich in essential fats.  

Omegas are very important for the health of the body. In particular, they keep the brain healthy, stimulate circulation and strengthen the immune system. The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is about 3:1.  

The Omega family also includes alpha linolenic acid. You may not know it but it is the most important fatty acid within the Omega-3 family. It is an essential substance for keeping heart problems under control because it lowers blood pressure and fats in the blood.  

Omega-6 and Omega-3 should in fact be taken in a balanced manner, exactly as they occur naturally within the hemp plant.  

When used topically, hemp oil possesses the properties of CBD. It is therefore pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, soothing, moisturising and emollient.  

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Our CBD Oils

All the benefits of CBD oil 

CBD oil, especially the Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum versions, is extremely beneficial to the body. This is because it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a biological system present in the central and peripheral nervous system.

This system regulates so many of the body’s functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, movement and more. Cannabinoids bind to receptors in the system and influence these functions.  

In addition to this, CBD oil is rich in many other natural substances, each with specific beneficial properties. Let’s find out together what benefits it can bring to the body.  

Natural pain reliever 

The most famous use of CBD oil is certainly as a natural painkiller. The active ingredient is indeed able to provide relief from pain, even chronic pain.

It was scientists who found a correlation between cannabinoids and pain. In fact, the oldest recorded use of CBD is as a pain reliever. Chronic pain is one of the most frequently cited reasons for the use of medical cannabis, and not just this one.

Cannabinoids have an analgesic effect because they inhibit the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides from presynaptic nerve endings, activate pain-dependent inhibitory pathways and reduce neuronal inflammation. This is what scientists have discovered.

CBD is effective in treating both momentary pain and chronic pain. It can provide relief for those suffering from headaches, but also arthritis, back pain, neuralgia, and cancer pain.

It is a viable alternative to both traditional drugs, which can give contraindications, and opioids, which are addictive.


Another benefit closely related to pain relief is the anti-inflammatory one. In fact, CBD is also able to provide pain relief because it reduces inflammation.

Scientists have stated that cannabidiol is effective in treating inflammation due to very different diseases. It treats inflammation in multiple sclerosis, intestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and acts on inflammatory conditions in general. CBD is also able to treat inflammation that occurs in the skin as a result of an illness or injury.

It is not yet clear how CBD affects the inflammatory process in humans, but tests carried out so far suggest that it may have the same effects as in animals. However, science continues to carry out tests and experiments to probe all the infinite properties of this natural substance.


Do you have high levels of stress and anxiety? Today’s life induces people to live in a perpetual state of hyperactivity. Dividing one’s time between family, home, work and leisure leads to a very stressful lifestyle.

Besides trying to take more time for oneself and engage in relaxing activities, CBD can also alleviate stress and anxiety. It appears that cannabidiol acts on receptors in the brain by regulating serotonin. In this way, it acts on the mood by providing a state of calm.  

By the same mechanism, it also helps those suffering from depression in a natural way. Very often, antidepressant drugs are very hard on the body, as they have contraindications. Which CBD does not do.  

It is also an effective remedy for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, both adults and children. Studies have been carried out on ex-servicemen and the feedback has been extremely positive.

Finally, CBD is considered a relaxant because, by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, it helps treat insomnia. It makes sleep deeper and thus decreases the likelihood of waking up.  

For the face and blemishes 

CBD, combined with Omega-3 and Omega-6, is used in the treatment of skin blemishes. Being an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent, it is effective in the treatment of acne as it regularises sebum production, dulls redness and heals any inflammation that may be present.  

Acne is not the only disease that CBD can treat. Psoriasis is also among the most common ones. The areas of the body affected by this disorder are often scaly, painful and itchy. Cannabidiol, with its emollient and anti-inflammatory properties, greatly improves the symptoms.  

And again, it has proved effective in treating dermatitis and eczema. Thus, it is not only able to provide relief to those suffering from oily skin, but also to those with dry skin that itches and peels easily.  

CBD oil, in this case, is effective when applied topically, i.e. directly on the affected area. Absorption can be aided by gentle massage.  

How to use CBD oil 

There are different ways to use CBD oil. Enthusiasts love this product not only for its powerful healing properties but also for its versatility.  

Being so practical, it can be used:  

  • Topically: we have already mentioned the effectiveness of CBD applied directly to the area affected by the disorder or disease, as it acts directly on the problem;  
  • Under the tongue: Another method recommended by doctors is to take the drops directly under the tongue, holding them for 30-60 seconds before swallowing, and in this case, it is important to start with a low dosage and then gradually increase;  
  • Added to food and beverages: the most creative method is certainly to add a few drops to a smoothie, coffee or a dessert, the recipes that can be created are endless.  

Each method solves a particular need. For localised problems, such as a skin blemish or pain, topical application is ideal. For treating a disease of another kind, such as depression, the under the tongue method is more suitable. Finally, imaginative dishes can be created to keep the body healthy without the need to treat a particular disease.

Side effects or contraindications? 

Studies have shown only in rare cases mild side effects. These mainly involve dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, drowsiness and diarrhoea. However, no serious side effects occurred in any case.  

Side effects have mostly occurred due to interaction with other drugs for the treatment of particular diseases. If you decide to use CBD to treat a disease, it is important to seek advice from your doctor or a specialist to prevent it from interacting with already prescribed drugs.  

How to choose the right hemp oil 

Now that we have concluded and you have a more complete picture of what hemp oil is, what it contains and what benefits it provides, it is important to find out how to find the right one. The cannabis market has had a real explosion in recent years. This means that many more or less reputable companies have started selling CBD-based products.  

Especially when shopping online, one can never be too careful, which is why you should follow these simple precautions. Always check: 

  • Ingredients: always read the label to find out what percentage of cannabinoids and other substances are contained, that way you know if you are buying real hemp oil;  
  • Cultivation method: it is important to know where and how the hemp was grown, whether it comes from certified cultivation and whether it was grown indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse;  
  • Extraction method: knowing the method of CBD extraction is crucial to assessing the degree of purity of the product, because if solvents have been used, it is likely that the active ingredient has been contaminated with impurities;  
  • Laboratory analyses: a serious company, especially when selling online, should clearly display laboratory analyses, i.e. certificates issued by third-party laboratories that have carried out tests on the products to establish their components and quality;  
  • Reliability of the company: always inquire about the history of the company to find out what experience it has in agriculture and what its values are.  

You now have all the elements to buy the right hemp oil for your needs. All you have to do is visit our store and discover all our products.  

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