Want to treat your dog or cat naturally? Try CBD for pets, an excellent supplement with which easy-to-administer products are prepared.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards the use of cannabidiol, known as CBD, to promote human well-being. But what if we extend the use of this substance to our four-legged friends? CBD for pets is a topic that is attracting increasing interest among pet owners and experts in the field.

Although research on CBD applied to animal use is still at an early stage, there is growing evidence suggesting its potential benefits for wellbeing and health. Dog and cat owners are now faced with a new set of options for alleviating pain, anxiety and other conditions that can affect their furry friends’ quality of life.

In this article, we will explore the basics of CBD for pets and the reasons why more and more people are considering this natural alternative. We will also discuss the possible uses of CBD, precautions to take, and current research into its efficacy and safety. Before delving into the details, it is important to emphasise that the advice of an experienced veterinarian is crucial before administering any CBD product to our pets.

Together we will explore this new frontier of animal welfare and try to provide clear and comprehensive information to help you make informed decisions for the health of your four-legged friends.

CBD for dogs and cats

Actually, CBD for pets is not necessarily different from CBD for humans in terms of chemical composition. However, there are some differences in the formulation of CBD products for pets compared to those for humans.

One of the main differences concerns the concentration of CBD in products. Pets are generally more sensitive to CBD than humans, so products for pets are often formulated with lower doses than those for humans.

Another important difference is the absence of THC and terpenes in pet products. THC is the psychoactive compound present in cannabis and is responsible for the psychotropic effects. CBD products for pets are usually formulated in such a way that they are free of THC because the animals’ bodies cannot break it down. The same applies to terpenes, which are aromatic compounds also present in the cannabis plant.

The benefits of CBD for pets

If you have already read about CBD, you will know that it is a natural substance with many healing properties. If this is your first time with this product, don’t worry, we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

What does CBD do for animals? Here are the main benefits:

  • Calming: can have a calming effect on the nervous system of pets, helping to reduce anxiety, stress and excitement, can be useful in situations such as thunderstorms, fireworks, travelling or separation from the owner;
  • Anti-inflammatory: can reduce inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis, injuries or chronic inflammation;
  • Analgesic: can be used to relieve chronic pain, postoperative pain or pain resulting from injuries;
  • Anticonvulsant: may decrease the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures;
  • Anti-emetic: helps reduce nausea and gastrointestinal disturbances in pets, and may therefore be useful in alleviating vomiting caused by illness, medical treatment or food intolerances;
  • Neuroprotective: helps protect the nervous system and promote brain health;
  • Immunomodulatory: influences the immune system of pets, helping to regulate their response.

However, it is important to stress that research on the specific effects of CBD on animals is still ongoing and that each animal may respond differently to the treatment.

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What can be cured with CBD?

Dopo aver fatto un elenco generale dei benefici del CBD per animali domestici, facciamo qualche esempio pratico per capire come puoi utilizzare il prodotto nella vita di tutti i giorni. 

The first use we can mention is that of CBD to relieve anxiety in dogs. Some pet owners have reported improvements in behaviour after using CBD in stressful situations caused by events or illnesses.

One particular use is CBD oil for epilepsy in dogs. Epilepsy is a neurological condition that can affect animals as well as humans. Some preliminary studies have suggested that CBD may have anticonvulsant effects, but further research is needed to determine the efficacy and safety of CBD in treating the disease.

Some pet owners use CBD for cats with cancer to alleviate symptoms associated with the condition, such as reducing pain and inflammation. Research to date also suggests that it can slow the spread of cancer cells.

Remember, however, that it is always important to consult a veterinarian before using any CBD product for animals and to follow the directions carefully to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

What are the contraindications of CBD for pets?

Although CBD for pets can have many benefits, it is important to be aware of the possible side effects that may occur.

Let’s take a look together at the possible contraindications of CBD oil and other products for animal use:

  • Drug interactions: it may interact with some drugs your pet is already taking causing unpleasant and undesirable effects;
  • Drowsiness or sedation: this effect may vary from animal to animal; if you notice that your dog or cat seems excessively sedated or lethargic, you should reduce the dose of CBD or discontinue its use;
  • Changes in appetite: an increase or decrease in appetite may occur after taking CBD;
  • Dry mouth: make sure your pet always has access to an adequate amount of fresh water for hydration;
  • Allergic reactions: in rare cases, animals may experience allergic reactions to CBD or ingredients in the products. If you notice signs such as itching, redness, swelling or difficulty breathing, stop using CBD immediately and consult a veterinarian.

The side effects of CBD can vary and depend on the individual sensitivity of the animal. Although in most cases they occur due to interaction with drugs or through the use of poor quality products or products not designed for animals.ย 

What are CBD products for dogs and cats

CBD oil for pets is one of the most common and versatile products on the market. It usually comes in bottles with droppers for easy use. You can add a few drops directly into your pet’s mouth or mix them into food or drinks. CBD oils for pets are formulated with dosages suited to the needs of dogs and cats, taking into account their size and weight.

CBD for dogs is usually also found in the form of kibble. These are specially formulated with high-quality ingredients and a measured amount of CBD to provide an easy and tasty way to feed the compound. CBD kibbles are available in various flavours to suit different dog preferences. They are a convenient option as they can be used as part of your pet’s daily diet.

The world of CBD products for pets is quite varied, so you may also find snacks, creams and ointments, and capsules.

Always remember to consult a vet before starting to administer CBD to your pet. A specialist will be able to provide guidance based on specific needs and help you determine the right dose and frequency of administration.

How to use CBD on a dog?

Besides what your vet can tell you, there are a few small rules you should never forget when you decide to start a CBD treatment for your dog.

Here is how you should proceed:

  • Choose a high-quality product: make sure you buy products specifically formulated for dogs, avoid products intended for human use or that contain additional ingredients that are harmful to animals;
  • Dosage: CBD dosage for dogs depends on various factors including the weight of the dog, the severity of the problem being treated and the CBD concentration in the product;
  • Form of administration: The form of administration depends on your dog’s preferences and the product you are using;
  • Monitoring results: After starting to administer CBD to your dog, carefully monitor its symptoms and behaviour, observing whether there are any improvements or undesirable side effects;
  • Safety: make sure to keep CBD products out of your dog’s reach, as they may be harmful if ingested in large quantities, and always follow the product safety and storage guidelines.

Remember, each dog is individual and may respond differently to CBD.ย 

come somministrare il cbd al cane

How many drops of CBD for the cat?

Also with regard to CBD for cats, the dosage depends on the factors we have just listed. It is usually recommended to start with a very low dose and gradually increase it until the desired effect is achieved.

So how many drops of CBD per day should you give your pet? The recommended starting dose of CBD for cats is about 0.1-0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight twice a day. For example, if your cat weighs 4 kg, the initial dose could be 0.4-0.8 mg CBD twice a day.

However, remember that CBD for cats has not yet been extensively studied, and there are still many outstanding questions regarding its safety and efficacy. Therefore, it is always best to consult a vet before administering any supplements to your cat, including CBD.

CBD is a natural alternative for your pet

Now that you’ve learned all the benefits CBD can offer your pet, it’s time to act! If you want to provide your four-legged friend with natural relief without unwanted side effects, Maria CBD Oil is here for you.

Our CBD product range has been carefully formulated to meet the specific needs of your pets. We use only high-quality ingredients, 100% pure CBD extracts from organic cultivation, to offer a natural and safe solution for the well-being of your furry friends.

Whether your pet suffers from anxiety, stress, chronic pain or other ailments, CBD can be an effective natural alternative to improve its quality of life. Our products are available in different forms, such as oils and kibble, so you can choose the most suitable solution for your furry friend.

So don’t waste any more time. Discover our CBD products for pets in the online shop and give your beloved four-legged friend the relief he deserves.

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