CBD oil is a natural treatment to combat epilepsy in dogs and to help them overcome the resulting and seizure-related disorders as well. Before giving it to your puppy, however, it is good to understand how it works and with which functions of the body it interacts.

Cannabidiol is a natural and effective remedy for a variety of ailments. Extracted from cannabis sativa plants, it has recently attracted the attention of doctors, scientists and veterinarians. Endowed with incredible healing properties, it is able to bring relief to people and animals

Among its many fields of application is the treatment of epilepsy in pets. CBD oil for dog epilepsy, for example, is among the most popular products. Choosing to use it as an alternative to some medicines means opting for a more natural treatment with fewer contraindications, but still able to alleviate pain and discomfort. 

The benefits of CBD for a dog with epilepsy are really numerous and range from seizure relief to joint strengthening or stress reduction. Getting to know them is the first step to start considering integrating them into your pet’s routine.

Dogs and epileptic seizures

After all, you know, the dog has always been man’s best friend. Welcoming a puppy into one’s family is a choice that brings satisfaction, joy and a large dose of responsibility. Taking care of a dog, in fact, is like looking after a child. Seeing him suffer and not being able to do anything to help him can be very painful. 

Among the main causes of illness, canine epilepsy is one of the most frequent. About 5.7% of dogs suffer from epileptic seizures and terrible convulsions. The symptoms of this disorder are very similar to those found in humans. A dog in the throes of an epileptic seizure may show tremors, spasms that are difficult to control, painful muscle contractions and sudden jerks. However, convulsions do not always present such obvious signs and the owner may not even realise that a seizure is in progress. Alternative signs include staring stares, a dazed appearance or even simple whimpers. 

To date, the epilepsy treatment drugs on the market are not always the best solution. It is possible, in fact, that repeated intake can cause unpleasant side effects on dogs that CBD does not cause. In some cases, these also prove to be ineffective or only apparently efficient. Without prejudice to the need to consult one’s veterinarian in advance, there are alternative, more natural but still beneficial possibilities

How to reduce dog seizures naturally

No owner ever wants to see their puppy suffer. Knowing how and when to intervene in the event of an epileptic seizure is the first step towards avoiding it or, at least, reducing its impact. 

Numerous scientific researches have highlighted the possibility of using a natural alternative remedy that can alleviate convulsions and muscle spasms. The substance being studied is what is known as cannabidiol. An essence extracted from cannabis sativa plants, it has proven particularly effective against various ailments in humans. Characterised by multiple healing effects, it is a natural solution that interacts positively with the body. 

The positive findings on the human body have triggered a series of studies at veterinary level with the aim of verifying its possible effect on animals as well. To date, the findings are positive and therapeutic cannabis in the form of products such as CBD oil for epilepsy in dogs is recommended by veterinarians and scientists.

How does CBD work to reduce convulsions? 

A dog in the throes of a seizure may present convulsions and very painful muscular contractions. The consequences of an epileptic seizure are therefore as impactful physically as they are mentally. CBD oil for a dog with epilepsy is a natural alternative that can provide relief and reduce the intensity of this type of illness. Before giving it to your puppy, however, it is good to understand how it works and with which bodily functions it interacts.

One of the main causes of epileptic seizures is the abnormal activation of neurons in the brain: this means that the body is in an unstable condition. In people, as in animals, there is the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis. CBD, introduced into the body in the form of oils, creams or edibles, interacts directly with this system by restoring the internal balance and thus providing relief. This mechanism is also typical of human beings. 

The reason for this interaction is the structural similarity that exists between endocannabinoids, molecules that register changes in external conditions, and cannabidiol extracted from cannabis. Indeed, endocannabinoids interact with and activate receptors in the body, which restore internal balance. Cannabidiol has the same structure and therefore performs the same function. This is true in people as well as in animals. The intake of CBD through oils or edibles therefore reinforces this process. 

Understanding the signs and symptoms of epileptic seizures in dogs

Epileptic seizures in dogs can manifest themselves in different ways and can vary from one individual to another. Here are some common symptoms of an epileptic seizure:

  • Seizures: this is the most obvious symptom, during a seizure the dog may fall to the ground and have involuntary movements of the limbs, head and body, it may also roll over, shake or temporarily lose control of its bladder or bowels;
  • Muscle rigidity: some dogs may have muscle rigidity during a seizure, without necessarily having convulsive movements;
  • Sudden changes in mood or behaviour: before or after a seizure, the dog may appear confused, disoriented, anxious or agitated;
  • Ataxia: this term indicates a lack of co-ordination in movements; during an epileptic seizure, the dog may have difficulty walking or maintaining balance;
  • Excessive drooling and chewing: during a seizure, the dog may drool excessively or start chewing compulsively, even if there is no food or objects around;
  • Sensory alterations: some dogs may appear confused or disoriented during a seizure; they may also react abnormally to external stimuli, such as sound or light;
  • Premonitory signs: in some cases, dogs may show premonitory signs before an epileptic seizure, such as anxiety, hyperactivity, excitement or abnormal behaviour.

In the presence of one or more of these signs or symptoms in your dog, you should promptly consult a veterinarian for appropriate evaluation and treatment. 

How much CBD for epileptic seizures in dogs?

The amount of CBD to be administered to dogs for seizures varies depending on the weight of the dog, the severity of the seizures and the CBD concentration of the oil used. We will see below all the factors you need to take into account. 

In general, it is recommended to start with a low dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight twice a day and gradually increase it until an effective dose is found.

It is important to monitor your dog closely when you start administering CBD and note any changes in the frequency and severity of seizures.

If you do not notice any improvement after two or three weeks, you can increase the dose. Obviously, after consulting your vet. 

Additional benefits of CBD for dogs

One question arises: “what, then, are the main benefits of CBD oil for epilepsy in dogs?”

Medicinal cannabis carries numerous healing properties that should not be underestimated. Besides significantly reducing the intensity and frequency of epileptic seizures, it is indicated in cases of nausea and lack of appetite. It can happen that a puppy has difficulty eating for various reasons. Replacing part of the meal with CBD products can be a solution to combat the discomfort and alleviate the symptoms of possible intestinal inflammation. 

Oils or CBD edibles also support the immune system, help reduce aggression, and strengthen joint health, which is why medical cannabis is especially recommended for older dogs. 

Just as for people, CBD oils and products for dogs are able to significantly alleviate pain. Cannabidiol therefore proves effective not only in cases of epileptic seizures with severe convulsions but also in cases of pain of a different nature. Last but not least, medical cannabis products are effective remedies for anxiety, stress and depression. These, in fact, are problematic conditions that can also affect animals. 

Today, there are several medicines indicated for epileptic seizures or other ailments. Unlike medicines, however, cannabidiol is a natural substance that enters into processes that already occur naturally in the body. This is why it is often more effective and less harmful. 

Side effects compared to traditional drugs

Epilepsy drugs, also known as anti-epileptic drugs (FAE), are generally effective in controlling seizures. However, they can have some side effects. The most common may be drowsiness and sedation, weight gain, ataxia, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Less common are problems with memory and concentration, mood changes, balance and coordination problems, vision, liver and blood problems.

CBD oil for dogs is generally considered safe when taken in the correct dosage and manner. It may have contraindications in the case of overdose, a low-quality product or if taken together with other medications. 

Possible side effects of CBD oil may be: 

  • Drowsiness: some dogs may show increased drowsiness;
  • Appetite alterations: CBD may affect a dog’s appetite, causing it to increase or decrease;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: in addition to changes in appetite, cases of nausea may occur; 
  • Interactions with other drugs: if the dog is taking other drugs, it is important to consider possible interactions with CBD oil, although these are generally less common than with traditional drugs.

For all these reasons, we reiterate the importance of consulting your veterinarian, especially if you are already undergoing treatment for epilepsy in your dog. 

CBD products for dogs

Using CBD products for dogs means opting for a natural alternative with incredible beneficial properties. When choosing, it is important to pay close attention to the type of product and the origin of the ingredients in order to choose the healthiest and most suitable one for your needs. Believe it or not, the possibilities are many as the market already offers many items that can also be purchased for our four-legged friends.

Among the articles available, the one most in vogue is undoubtedly CBD oil for dogs with epilepsy. Among the articles available, the one most in vogue is undoubtedly CBD oil for dogs. Suitable for all species, it is very convenient to use as it can be administered by mouth or added to a meal. Another option is to buy CBD kibbles with beef and pork directly. Again, these products are suitable for all types of dogs without contraindications and are prepared with healthy ingredients and controlled processes; for puppies that prefer less strong flavours, you can opt for the chicken and turkey alternative.

There are many alternatives on the market and the CBD pet food sector is growing every day. The possibility of new cannabidiol products in the future cannot be ruled out, but for the time being the options are numerous and every pet owner can select the one that best suits their own and their puppy’s habits. 

How to administer CBD oil to dogs

How it is administered depends on the type of product you decide to choose for your furry friend. A glance at the market reveals that CBD oil for dogs is currently the best alternative because it is easier to administer. The advice is to opt for oils with a dropper and pipette; this will make it easier to control the dosage.

Once you have purchased the right size, you can choose whether to administer it by mouth or conveniently add it to food and water bowls. In the first case, simply use the pipette and spray the drops into your pet’s mouth. Alternatively, you can add the desired amount to the meal.

The choice of one or the other method of administration depends on the specific situation and condition of your dog. It is possible that in the course of a seizure he may become aggressive and difficult to handle. In this case it is always best to avoid touching him to try not to cause him any more pain. Adding the drops to food is therefore the best way as it is non-invasive. 

What is the right dosage of CBD for pets

There are no precise indications as to the exact amount of cannabidiol that should be administered to animals. As in the case of people, the dosage of CBD for dogs depends on a number of personal factors such as body weight and the purpose of administration. 

The advice is to always start with a minimum amount and then gradually increase it according to need and the specific situation. In the case of repeated seizures, in fact, it may be appropriate to administer several drops spread over a period of time. 

Before making any kind of decision, however, it is always best to consult your vet or a trusted veterinarian to ensure that you are doing everything correctly and actually helping the dog in distress. In any case, CBD is a natural product and not a medicine and is therefore not associated with any particular contraindications.

prodotti al cbd per l'epilessia dei cani
Maria CBD Oil products for dogs

Factors influencing CBD dosage for dogs with epileptic seizures

As we mentioned earlier, CBD dosage for the dog with epilepsy depends on several factors that must be carefully considered to ensure safe and effective treatment. These factors include the animal’s weight, severity and frequency of seizures, general health, any other medications the dog is taking, and individual response to CBD. 

It is very important to remember, therefore, that there is no universal dosage that is valid for all dogs, as certain factors can vary greatly. 

Let’s look in detail at everything you need to consider. 

Epilepsy type

The specific type of epilepsy a dog has is an important factor influencing CBD dosage. There are different types of epilepsy in dogs, and their response to treatment may vary. For example, generalised idiopathic epilepsy, characterised by seizures without an identifiable cause, might require a different dosage than symptomatic epilepsy, which is caused by an underlying condition such as a brain tumour or injury. 

Furthermore, the dosage might also vary depending on the severity and frequency of seizures associated with the specific type of epilepsy. Therefore, precise diagnosis of the type of epilepsy in the dog is essential to establish an effective CBD dosage and to ensure optimal treatment.

Intensity of convulsions

The frequency and intensity of seizures may vary greatly between dogs and may require different dosages of CBD to achieve effective symptom control. In general, dogs with more severe seizures may require higher doses of CBD to adequately manage seizures and reduce their frequency. 

However, it is crucial to balance CBD administration to achieve maximum therapeutic benefit with minimal risk of side effects. Therefore, CBD dosage should be determined individually for each dog, taking into account the severity of seizures and individual response to treatment. This process requires careful veterinary supervision and regular evaluation of the dog’s response to CBD over time.

Individual dog response

Each dog is a unique individual and may react differently to CBD depending on all the factors we have already seen, his state of health, metabolism and sensitivity. Therefore, it is essential to carefully monitor the dog’s response to CBD and adjust the dosage accordingly. 

Some dogs may require higher doses to achieve effective seizure control, while others may respond well to lower dosages. In addition, the dog’s response to CBD may change over time, so it is important to continue to evaluate and adjust dosage according to results. Veterinary supervision is crucial to ensure that the CBD dosage is appropriate and safe for your dog and to optimise treatment results.

Managing epileptic seizures in dogs with CBD oil

Managing seizures with CBD oil may offer additional benefits beyond simple seizure control. 

Here are the benefits of CBD for a dog with epilepsy:

  • Pain relief: during and after a seizure, dogs may experience discomfort and pain due to muscle contractions and spasms, CBD can act as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent;
  • Reduction of inflammation: seizures can cause stress and inflammation in the dog’s body, CBD oil can help reduce inflammation and promote recovery after a seizure;
  • Mood enhancement: CBD influences the dog’s endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating mood and emotions;
  • Stabilisation of behaviour: seizures can have a significant impact on a dog’s behaviour, causing anxiety, agitation or other changes in mood and behaviour; regular use of CBD could help stabilise a dog’s behaviour, reducing anxiety and promoting greater calm and tranquillity.

The benefits may be even greater if it is used as part of a holistic approach that also includes other therapies.

Which CBD product to choose for your dog 

Having become aware of the benefits of medical cannabis and the alternatives available on the market, it is necessary to actually select the one best suited to your pet’s needs and requirements. 

Maria CBD Oil is a producer of certified organic CBD oils and products. By going to their premises or visiting their online shop, you can choose from different articles and different cannabidiol concentrations and formulations.

CBD oil for dog epilepsy has a cannabidiol concentration of 5% and is a natural and legalised product. A powerful anti-inflammatory, it is the ideal remedy for pain of various kinds and an excellent treatment for epilepsy. The constitution of the package makes administration quick and painless; the bottle has a dropper and pipette and can be purchased in 10 ml solutions. By administering a few drops of the product, you can also help your puppy in cases of anxiety, stress, infection or inflammation. 
In the Maria CBD shop you will also find two variants of CBD kibble with beef and pork and with turkey and chicken. Both are particularly effective against stress and aggression and excellent allies in supporting the immune system and joint health.

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