Visual Appearance
Visually, the BZ Queen CBD Cannabis Trim has a colouration ranging from light green to brown, with traces of orange from the pistils. The presence of trichomes makes flowers particularly shiny, testifying to the richness of cannabinoids. This variety is characterised by its natural beauty, offering an inviting appearance that heralds the quality and purity of the product.
The scent of BZ Queen is characterised by a fascinating complexity, with earthy notes mingled with nuances of aromatic herbs and a light touch of sweetness. This olfactory bouquet creates a deep and enveloping aromatic experience, stimulating the senses and inviting to discover its unique and satisfying taste of this strain.
The taste of BZ Queen CBD Cannabis Trim reflects the richness of aroma, providing a palette of flavours that perfectly balance the earthy notes with the sweet and spicy ones. The mouthfeel is pleasantly complex, with a finish that leaves a lingering and satisfying freshness, making each taste a moment of pure pleasure.
Benefits and Effects
BZ Queen is prized for its health benefits, providing an effective relief from anxiety, chronic pain and improving relaxation without compromising the daily functionality. Its high CBD content and low THC content offer a powerful but delicate therapeutic action, ideal for daily use. Users report significant improvements in physical and emotional well-being, testifying to the effectiveness of this strain.
Origin and Cultivation
The selected inflorescences come from cultivations in Liguria, following strict organic standards without the use of GMOs or heavy metals.
Most Indoor cultivations, the source of these products, are located in hilly areas of Liguria. These areas are ideal for the cultivation of high-quality cannabis, guaranteeing an excellent product.
Storage Tips
In order to maintain the organoleptic qualities of BZ Queen CBD shredding, it is advisable to store the product in a cool, dry place, away from direct light. The use of airtight containers helps to preserve the aroma and protect the product from moisture, ensuring long-lasting freshness and effectiveness. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the unique properties of BZ Queen in every use.
paolo –
Ogni boccata è una carezza per l’anima
christophe –
cristian –
estoy obsesionado
michel –
Améliore vraiment mon humeur et soulage la tension physique
amanda –
emilia –
Esta variedad aporta verdadera calma y alivio físico
miguel –
Realmente mejora mi ánimo y alivia la tensión física
sara –
Perfecto para tener un mejor día
emily –
This strain brings a true sense of calm and physical relief 😴
david –
amanda –
feeling refreshed and balanced 🥳
emilia –
Diese Sorte bringt wahre Ruhe und körperliche Erleichterung
amanda –
Unglaublich für Geist und Körper 😱
amanda –
me siento renovada y equilibrada! 😱
michael –
Really helps boost my mood and ease physical tension
sarah –
Perfekt für einen besseren Tag 🥰
david –
sehr empfehlenswert! 🤩
sarah –
The perfect pick-me-up for a better day 🤗
david –
je recommande !
sarah –
Parfait pour passer une meilleure journée, physiquement et émotionnellement.
michael –
Hilft wirklich, meine Stimmung zu heben und körperliche Anspannung zu lindern
chris –
I’ve been needing this and I didn’t know..
christian –
Fantastisch für das allgemeine Wohlbefinden, körperlich und geistig.
Yurena –
El aroma es fantástico y los efectos son realmente relajantes
mattia –
Questo trinciato di CBD è fantastico
massimo –
dopo aver provato vari prodotti posso dire che questo è uno dei migliori sul mercato!
luigi –
sapore gradevole e perfetto contro il dolore cronico
francesca –
l’ideale per combattere l’ansia, si sentono delle note dolci
michele –
Aroma delizioso, mi aiuta a rilassarmi
luigi –
Perfetto contro il dolore cronico!
laura –
lo consiglio a chi cerca dei trinciati di qualità
Valentina –
mi fa sentire molto più tranquilla durante la giornata
giorgio –
Aiuta parecchio a ridurre lo stress, lo consiglio
luigi –
Perfetto contro il dolore cronico, lo consiglio
paolo –
post allenamento è perfetto, sopratutto per andare a dormire sereno
Martina –
Non mi fa sentire storidita ma aiuta a rilassarmi dopo una giornata, ottimo!
riccardo –
Facile da usare, risultati affidabili. Molto raccomandato.
michelle –
Miscela aromatica, effetti piacevoli. Aiuta a mantenere la calma.
edo –
Consistenza ideale, gradevole al gusto. Supporto naturale contro l’ansia.