Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. They are in fact responsible for removing toxins and impurities that we accumulate throughout the day. Thanks to the kidneys, the other organs can function at their best and stay healthy as well.
Sometimes, however, kidneys can get sick.
Kidney-related diseases are diverse and represent one of the main causes of death worldwide. Cysts, stones, and cancer are dangerous and painful diseases. Patients need anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medicines. The problem with over-the-counter medicines is that they can even worsen the kidney situation.
Renal diseases can be caused by accidents or by genetic predisposition, but very often they can be triggered by a wrong lifestyle or by the intake of harmful substances, such as medicines.
So how do I keep the pain under control? Many people are choosing CBD.
An active ingredient produced by the cannabis plant, CBD or cannabidiol is turning out to be the solution to lots of diseases and disorders. The scientific community and patients are now wondering which are the CBD effects on kidneys and whether it can be a valuable aid in treating the disease.
Does CBD help the kidneys?
CBD is an alternative medicine remedy that is dominating the world market in treating the most diverse conditions ranging from inflammation to chronic pain, insomnia to lack of appetite, depression to cancer.
Throughout the numerous tests that have been performed on this substance, scientists have discovered its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant properties, and many more.
Also, CBD has become so popular because – despite being extracted from the cannabis plant – it’s not psychoactive. This means that even if it’s taken in pure form, it doesn’t provide any high or mental alteration.
So scientists have already started investigating the possible effects that CBD could have on kidneys. Studies are still at an early stage, but results gathered so far are quite promising regarding the CBD beneficial effects on chronic kidney diseases.
CBD is able to reduce inflammation that may be related to kidneys, relieve even severe pain related to this kind of disorder and its antioxidant property is able to combat oxidative stress possibly resulting from other treatments.
Differences between CBD Oil and marihuana
There are many hemp varieties worldwide. More specifically, CBD is extracted from cannabis, a variety containing a high percentage of cannabidiol but a low THC component.
THC is the psychoactive substance found in hemp. Its chemical structure is almost identical to that of CBD, but the difference is that THC is psychoactive. This means that if taken in high doses, it could lead to a high. This is why the whole world has severely restricted its use, and in the UK it cannot exceed 0.2%.
Marijuana, on the other hand, is the variety that has a much higher THC content. Marijuana is in fact illegal in many countries precisely because it is considered a narcotic.
The CBD oil you commonly find in shops or on online shops has a very low THC content, which is why it is legal and safe for health. As far as cannabidiol is concerned, however, there are no restrictions. So much so that you can find oil at 40% or 50%, thus with a very high CBD content.
CBD Oil benefits
We have already mentioned some of the CBD properties, which may vary slightly depending on the method of use. For instance, CBD oil can be taken orally or sublingually; this method is very effective for treating diseases spread throughout the body, such as kidney diseases.
However, CBD oil can also be used on a local level to treat a skin disorder or a localised pain.
CBD can treat pain, inflammation, seizures, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, lack of appetite, anxiety, stress, depression, psychosis, strengthens the immune system and even seems to be able to slow down the formation of cancer cells.
What is really interesting about CBD is especially that it is a natural substance.
Just think about it. Medicines are very often responsible for kidney disease or malfunctioning. CBD is, on the other hand, a natural substance, so it can treat a disorder without the risk of creating another, possibly an even more serious one.

How CBD interacts with kidneys
CBD interacts with the human body in many different ways. It does so both through the endocannabinoid system found in the central and peripheral nervous system and through the bloodstream.
The kidneys, along with the bladder and urethra, are part of the urinary system. It is an extremely important system because it cleanses the blood from impurities, as we mentioned at the beginning, and helps regulate blood pressure.
Blood leaves impurities behind and stores in a balanced way all the minerals and other substances it needs to keep the body healthy, such as calcium, potassium and others.
Earlier, however, we were also referring to the endocannabinoid system. Its CB1 and CB2 receptors are found throughout the body, including the kidneys. CBD, by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors, releases the properties we listed above, ensuring homeostasis. Homeostasis means that an organ functions as it should, maintaining its characteristics.
Other research will definitely be necessary to understand the real impact of CBD, on both kidney health and the treatment of a disease as it appears.

Kidney diseases and CBD
Chronic kidney diseases do not only involve pain, which can sometimes become unbearable. Patients also suffer from other annoying symptoms such as mental confusion, vomiting and swollen limbs.
In a study review on cannabis in the management of symptoms of chronic kidney disease, scientists compiled the results of clinical studies in the field. The aim was to reduce the physical and psychological symptoms generated by chronic kidney disease that are very often inadequately treated by traditional medicines.
Can cannabinoids be used to treat kidney disease? From what has been discovered so far, it seems so.
The aim of the studies, as stated in the review, was to treat common symptoms including chronic pain, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, itching, and insomnia. Patients treated with non-synthetic cannabinoids were 43% to 300% more likely to reduce chronic neuropathic pain by more than 30%.
In addition, scientists are conducting further research into whether a topical application of CBD can help against uremia-induced itching.
Which are CBD side effects on kidneys?
So far, CBD effects on kidneys seem to be more than positive. However, being a cannabinoid, many wonder whether there might be contraindications to its use.
After all, it is hard to understand it on your own.
Do you know what colour the urine is when kidneys are failing? It varies from pink to red and it may contain traces of blood. This means that it is difficult to understand whether this effect is due to the disease or a side effect from the treatment.
Since the kidneys are in charge of filtering the substances we take in, you might reasonably think that cannabinoids are also secreted by the kidneys. If you think about it, the drug tests used to detect THC levels in the body involve urine tests.
But beware, because there may be a twist!
The review mentioned earlier showed that cannabinoids are mainly excreted with faeces. This means that the work of the kidneys is less than one might think.
Nevertheless, cannabis products should always be used in the recommended doses and methods. Especially, they should not be taken together with other medicines to avoid any interaction. In fact, some side effects, albeit mild, such as dry mouth, altered appetite, dizziness, fatigue and diarrhoea may result from the latter.
It is always best to seek advice from your doctor or a specialist in the field before introducing a CBD product into your treatment.

CBD methods of use and safe products
CBD can be taken in different ways. As we already mentioned, the effect depends on the method of use. It is our duty to inform you that smoking cannabis is not legal in the UK, not even the one containing a low percentage of THC. Therefore, we won’t be focusing on that method.
However, you are left with many others.
An oral intake ensures a rapid and intense effect. As for topical use, on the other hand, there are as yet no conclusive results on its effectiveness in treating the symptoms generated by kidney disease.
CBD Oil is one of the most versatile products that you could ever buy because you can use it in many ways. Moreover, you can find it in many different concentrations to choose from depending on your previous experience with cannabis and the severity of your disorder.
In addition to oil, there is a wide range of other CBD products that you can find on our online shop. Visit it now and buy the one that suits you best!