Maria CBD Oil

Discover our cannabis light strains and CBD products. During these years of research, we have developed many products derived from the hemp plant such as CBD oils, CBD herbal teas, inflorescences, capsules, candies and cosmetics. All designed for both your wellbeing and that of your pets.

8:30 am - 7:00 pm
Our opening hours
Via Lombardia, 20
Vermezzo con Zelo (MI)
Our headquarters
(+39) 02.99763509
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About us

Maria CBD Oil produces top quality CBD oils, extracted from European hemp crops and 100% natural as well as organic. CBD continues to gain important recognition from throughout the scientific community for its countless therapeutic properties. Maria CBD oil has thus decided, to offer all its customers, not only the best CBD oils but also many products that contain our CBD extract, thus ensuring high standards throughout the production chain.

CBD Oil Golden Color

We firmly believe in the quality of our oil and the therapeutic properties of CBD, so to produce our CBD we have developed a process to eliminate all those elements that spoil the GOLDEN color of our oil, such as waxes or chlorophyll. Only in this way we can give our clients the best quality of our CBD oil.

100% Natural
Easy to order
Free Shipping > 39Eur
Certified Quality

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Maria CBD Oil

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A che temperatura vaporizzare l’erba?
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La vaporizzazione dell’erba è diventata una delle modalità più popolari e salutari per consumare cannabis, grazie alla sua capacità di estrarre i principi attivi senza bruciare il materiale vegetale.  Questo metodo non solo riduce l’esposizione a sostanze tossiche derivanti dalla combustione, ma preserva anche meglio il profilo aromatico e gli effetti terapeutici dei cannabinoidi e […]

Dove si trova e si compra il CBD nel 2025?
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Cos’è il CBD?
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Il cannabidiolo, o meglio conosciuto come CBD, è uno dei più famosi principi attivi della canapa, una pianta che fa parte della famiglia delle Cannabaceae, da qui il nome cannabis. Nasce in zone diverse del mondo e da millenni viene utilizzata dall’uomo a scopo terapeutico e curativo. Questa particolare pianta contiene oltre 100 cannabinoidi, un […]