The cannabinoids contained within the cannabis plant have a chemical composition similar to the substances that regulate the pain response in the human body. CBD oil can therefore help you feel less pain and discomfort if you suffer from acute or chronic pain.

Have you been suffering a pain for some time that you just can’t shake off? Have you tried various over-the-counter painkillers but got no result? In fact, maybe you even got an upset stomach?

Maybe you should switch to natural remedies.

Do you know how men used to treat pain 5000 years ago? With cannabis.

The cannabis plant contains very powerful active ingredients within it, the most famous being CBD and THC, which can treat many diseases and ailments. Among these is also pain.

That is possible because cannabinoids contained within the plant have a chemical structure similar to the substances that regulate pain response in the human body. They can therefore help you feel less pain and discomfort if you are suffering from acute or chronic pain.

Among all CBD products, CBD oil is one of the most powerful and versatile.

We created this guide to demonstrate its effectiveness and to help you choose the best CBD oil for pain based on your experience with this substance and the type of condition you need to treat.

CBD oil as a painkiller

CBD acts on pain receptors in the central nervous system, reducing pain sensation.

More specifically, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a regulatory system in our body that plays an important role in several functions, including pain management. CBD acts on two main receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CB1 and CB2, modulating their activity and producing various effects.

But which kind of pain can it actually treat?

The two main types of pain that can be treated by CBD oil are:

  • Acute: is that which arises from a specific cause and persists until it is eliminated, it could be, for example, pain resulting from localised inflammation; 
  • Chronic: is a type of pain that persists even after the root cause has been eliminated. 

The power of CBD for chronic pain has been and continues to be extensively studied by scientists intent on finding a cure for pain caused, for instance, by arthritis or degenerative diseases.

CBD oil therefore works as a painkiller on several levels. It can be used by athletes for muscle pain experienced during recovery. Inflammation is a physiological process that accompanies post-workout muscle pain. CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

It can be also used to treat migraine, back pain, and even the most debilitating chronic joint pain.

CBD and muscles: post-workout pain

Post-workout pain, also known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), is a sensation of pain and soreness that occurs in the muscles 24-72 hours after an intense workout. These pains are caused by microtraumas to the muscle fibres that occur during exercise.

The main causes of DOMS are:

  • Intense and unusual exercise: are more likely if you perform more intense or different training than usual;
  • Microtraumas to muscle fibres: during exercise, muscle fibres can suffer microtraumas that cause pain and inflammation;
  • Accumulation of acid lactic: the accumulation of acid lactic can contribute to pain and soreness.

The symptoms of DOMS include muscle pain and soreness, stiffness, muscle weakness, swelling and difficulty moving. The pain is more intense during the first 24-48 hours and then gradually decreases.

They can be treated with rest, massage, ice, but also with specific products when the pain is very severe. In this context, CBD oil for pain emerges as an increasingly popular natural remedy. 

CBD oil as a panacea for post-workout pain

Traditionally, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or muscle relaxants are prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain. The choice between CBD oil and NSAIDs or muscle relaxants depends on several factors, such as the severity of the pain, the presence of other medical conditions and personal preference.

NSAIDs are effective, but CBD has a better safety profile with fewer side effects. Muscle relaxants, on the other hand, are prescribed to reduce pain associated with muscle spasms or tension, but may cause drowsiness, dizziness or muscle weakness as contraindications.

CBD helps to reduce the inflammation, which is one of the main factors causing muscle pain and swelling, alleviate the feeling of discomfort and relax contracted muscles, improving their flexibility.

While NSAIDs inhibit the production of prostaglandins, which are the molecules that cause pain and inflammation, CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system by modulating inflammation and pain sensation.

CBD and headache

CBD oil has proven its potential in treating various types of headaches. Let’s see the most peculiar cases:

  • Migraine: is a type of throbbing, intense headache that usually affects one single side of the head. In which case, CBD can help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines;
  • Tensive headache: is characterised by a constant, severe sensation of pain that affects the forehead, the upper part of the head and neck. CBD reduces pain and muscle tension;
  • Cervicogenic headaches: is caused by cervical problems. CBD reduces pain and inflammation.

This is because CBD, by acting on the endocannabinoid system, has pain-relieving properties, interacts with pain signals transmitted from the body to the brain and increases anandamide levels.

Anandamide is a neurotransmitter known as the ‘happiness molecule’. CBD can increase anandamide levels in the brain, producing a pain-relieving effect and improving mood.

How long does it take for CBD to relieve pain?

The time frame required for the product to take effect depends on which modality you choose to take CBD drops for pain. 

CBD oil can be used in many different ways:

  • Sublingally: you can place the drops directly under the tongue. This method ensures the fastest absorption through bloodstream passing through capillaries, even after 15 minutes you may already feel the first benefits; 
  • Orally: you can add it to food and drinks, in which case it would act through the digestive system. It is the mildest method of use and in this case the oil takes about 30 minutes to take effect; 
  • Topically: it is the direct application on the skin in case you want to treat a localised ailment, you can promote absorption through gentle massage and you should start to see the first effects after 30-45 minutes.

The ‘time’ factor is not used to help you choose the right mode of intake, but only to give you an idea of how long the effects occur. Of course, it also depends on the quantity of drops taken and the percentage of CBD contained within them. 

Let’s take a quick look at how the percentage of CBD in the oil is affected. 

You now have all the elements you need to buy the best CBD oil for pain based on your needs. 

Remember that the factors to consider are: 

  • Pain intensity;
  • Experience with cannabis;
  • Physical component (your body weight, composition and metabolic rate also affect the assimilation of the product). 

Now you just need to find a reliable company where you can buy your new CBD oil. 

In the Maria CBD Oil shop you can find different concentrations of 100% organic CBD oil. We only use EU-approved seeds for cultivation and do not use any pesticides or other chemicals. The CBD is then extracted using high-tech methods that guarantee the purity of the final product. 

Visit the online store now and choose the right CBD oil for you taking into account all the factors we have identified together.

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