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Have you been overwhelmed by the cannabis culture but are unsure which CBD oil to buy? CBD oil is a really powerful product, as long as you can choose the right one for you.
CBD, the active ingredient contained in light cannabis, allows you to create several different products since it is very versatile and has countless properties. However, the most popular product among all is undoubtedly CBD oil.
Why is the oil so successful?
For many reasons: it is easy to use even for those who are new to CBD and it is sold in different formulations and with varying concentrations of active ingredients.
In a nutshell, there really is something for every taste!
At first glance, CBD oils may all seem similar but they couldn’t be more different. That’s why you need to make some considerations about which CBD oil to buy, so as not to make gross mistakes.
We have specially created this guide to lead you by the hand towards an informed purchase. Let’s look at everything you need to know to find the best CBD oil for you.
What is CBD oil for?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural remedy for numerous ailments that afflict most people. It is an attractive option for those who suffer from mild symptoms and for those who have serious diseases to treat and who have not benefited from traditional treatments.
The main functions of CBD oil include:
- Relieving pain: cannabis has been used for thousands of years as a natural painkiller for both limited and widespread pain, even chronic;
- Calming inflammations: a secondary property that makes it extremely famous is its ability to calm inflammations, both those resulting from an injury and those caused by other diseases;
- Reducing stress, anxiety and depression: CBD oil is also extremely effective on a mental and emotional level because its relaxing action makes it a powerful anxiolytic and antipsychotic. It can therefore calm states of anxiety but also help with memory and hallucinations;
- Treating insomnia: all CBD products are useful against insomnia but oil is even more so since it can enhance the deep sleep phase;
- Protecting the brain: its neuroprotective properties help prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases and treat those already in place, helping the recovery of the mental faculties;
- Safeguarding the heart: it lowers blood pressure and prevents diseases such as heart attack or stroke;
- Relieving the symptoms of cancer: it can help during chemotherapy by reducing nausea and vomiting. It also apparently slows the growth of cancer cells.
How does CBD work?
How can a natural substance help treat all these highly different conditions? Scientists have discovered that when CBD enters the body, it interacts with a particular system that already produces similar substances.
This is the endocannabinoid system, responsible for regulating countless cognitive and physiological functions such as appetite, mood, sleep, memory, pain, fertility and far more.
This means that all vertebrates, including men, when in excellent health already produce substances that regulate these functions, substances called endocannabinoids.
Their chemical composition is similar to that of the cannabinoids contained in the hemp plant and that is why, when the body does not produce these substances sufficiently, cannabinoids can return the body to its original state of health.
The secret of CBD oil is this: it interacts with the system that regulates most of the functions of the human body.
How to choose a CBD oil?
Remember when we said that to choose which CBD oil to buy you have to make several considerations? Let’s see together what are the factors to evaluate:
- Company reliability: to make a secure purchase you should select a company that is established in the sector and has experience in agriculture;
- Product quality: get informed about how the production of CBD oil takes place, therefore make sure that the cultivation is organic, that no chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides are used, and that the method of extraction of the active ingredient does not contaminate its purity;
- Formulation: when it comes to oil it is crucial to choose the right formulation and concentration of CBD, shortly we will see what are the main differences in this area;
- Personal needs: the most important deciding factor when choosing one oil rather than another is its purpose. We will see how.
Now let’s dig even deeper to understand which types of CBD oil you can choose from.

Maria CBD Oil’s CBD oils
If you have already looked at the Maria CBD Oil shop, you will have noticed that there are several variants of oils. Let’s try to understand what the names mean.
On the market you can find 3 types of CBD oil:
- Full Spectrum: as the name says, it is the most complete formula you can find because it is the one that contains not only CBD but also all the other natural substances present in the hemp plant, therefore minerals, vitamins, proteins, terpenes, flavonoids, essential fats, fibres and other cannabinoids, including THC which is the psychoactive active ingredient;
- Broad Spectrum: given the previous version contains all the other natural substances of the plant except THC, even that small percentage that characterises the full spectrum version;
- Isolated: this formulation contains only CBD, which means that during the production process, all other substances have been eliminated.
Some experts say that the full and broad spectrum versions are the most powerful because the synergistic work of natural substances achieves the so-called “entourage effect“: the properties of the individual components are enhanced by the presence of others, just as happens in nature.
Now let’s look at all the CBD concentrations that you can find in the Maria CBD Oil shop.
5% CBD Oil
When you read 5% CBD oil it means that a 10 ml product contains 500 mg of CBD, about 2 mg for each drop.
This concentration of CBD is at an entry-level, which means that it is suitable for those who are approaching this product for the first time and who have mild symptoms that they want to treat.
In our shop, you can find the full spectrum formulation, which means that it also contains a small percentage of THC. We assure you that only 0.05% is present. This means not only that the product is perfectly legal but also that the concentration of a psychoactive active ingredient is so low that it does not cause any high.
CBD is extracted from the flower, leaves and stem through a state-of-the-art extraction method with supercritical CO2 that does not affect its purity. Then the compound is diluted in MCT coconut oil.
It has a very low concentration so you do not experience side effects, follow the instructions on use that you find written on the site in the appropriate product sheet.
15% CBD Oil
Have you already had some experience with CBD oil and want to try increasing your concentration? Then, this 15% version is ideal for you.
We can translate this concentration as 1500 mg of CBD within 10ml of oil. We always remind you that carrier oil with medium chain triglycerides (MCT) helps the absorption of the product.
It is suitable for the treatment of mild symptoms in a natural way thanks to its purity, guaranteed by the supercritical CO2 extraction method. Although the cannabidiol concentration is higher than the entry-level, the percentage of THC remains the same and this means that it has no psychoactive effect.
It is always a full spectrum version, therefore containing all the natural substances present within the hemp plant. Its properties can relieve pain and inflammation, relax, help against anxiety, fight insomnia and hydrate thoroughly.
25% CBD Oil
Do you have any stronger symptoms that you would like to treat? In this case, you should orient yourself towards the concentration of 25% CBD, that is, 2500 mg of the active ingredient in 10 ml of oil.
The real difference between the concentrations is very simple: if you decide to buy the formulation at 25% you need less product to get the results you want compared to a concentration at 5%.
It is clear, however, that the high percentages of the active ingredient are suitable for those who have already had experience with this product and who have symptoms that are important enough to treat. It is always good to start with a low concentration and then gradually increase it until the goal is reached.
Always follow the instructions provided on the product sheet, in this way you can treat various disorders such as pain, skin diseases, insomnia, anxiety and much more.
Find the right CBD Oil for you
To summarise, so far we have understood how to choose the best oil among all those you can find on the market and what is the difference between the different formulations and concentrations.
Now back to the initial question: which CBD Oil to buy?
In addition to the reviews we’ve already seen, you should also ask yourself:
- Is this my first time with CBD oil or have I used it before?
- Which ailment do I want to treat? How bad is it?
- How soon do I want to see the results?
After answering these questions you are ready to choose the right CBD oil for you. As you have seen, you can find a wide range of products in our shop, suitable both for those who approach this world for the first time and for those who have already tried it before. Now visit our shop and choose your new CBD Oil.