Headaches can get really annoying, so how to make them go away without always having to resort to medication? There are several natural remedies that will help you feel better.

Headache is an annoying disorder that can affect anyone, at any age and in many forms, affecting quality of life and limiting daily activities. While there are several pharmacological options to treat headaches, many of which are ineffective or inadequate, more and more people are turning to natural solutions to find relief without incurring the side effects often associated with conventional drugs.

In the wide world of natural remedies, one of the focal points is the potential use of plants to soothe head pain. However, before examining in detail the role of different substances, among which CBD stands out, we will explore the different types of headaches and their underlying causes. From everyday tensions to debilitating migraines, we will discover the nuances of a common and widespread discomfort.

This article will be a journey to discover alternative approaches to managing pain, focusing on the way of nature. We will discover together how to get rid of headaches through a series of methodologies that can help reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks, in order to achieve a more serene and pain-free life.

Types of headaches

Before understanding how to get rid of a headache, it is even more important to realise that this disorder does not always present itself with the same characteristics. It can go from mild discomfort to pain that causes dizziness and nausea.

Some of the most common types of headache include:

  • Tensive: this is the most common type of headache, it is often described as a dull, pressing or oppressive pain affecting both sides of the head, it is generally of mild intensity and lasts from 30 minutes to 7 days;
  • Stress: as the name implies it is caused by stress or anxiety, it is a dull, pressing or oppressive pain affecting both sides of the head, it is often accompanied by muscle tension in the neck and shoulder;
  • Cluster headache: is a very severe type of headache, involving intense, throbbing or stabbing pain affecting only one side of the head, cluster headache attacks last from 30 minutes to 3 hours and may occur several times a day for periods of weeks or months;
  • Sinus: caused by an inflammation or infection of the sinuses, it causes a stinging pain that affects the forehead, cheeks and eyes and is often accompanied by nasal congestion, sneezing and fever; 
  • From exposure to bright light or loud noises: often described as a sharp, pulsating or stabbing pain affecting both sides of the head, it may occur immediately after exposure to bright light or hours later;
  • Migraine: a more severe type of headache, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound, migraine attacks can last from 4 to 72 hours.

Now that we know the different types, let us try to understand how to get rid of headaches naturally.

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How to get rid of headaches without medication?

There are many ways to relieve such an annoying ailment without medication, which often involves nausea or more serious contraindications. Before we delve into the world of natural substances, let us discover together a few small habits that can make headaches go away quickly.

As you can well imagine, there is no magic potion ready to solve all your problems. The solution is always the result of a series of healthy, targeted actions. Some of the most common methods to alleviate headaches include:

  • Rest: rest can help relax the neck and shoulder muscles, which are often responsible for headaches;
  • Apply cold compresses: they help reduce inflammation and pain;
  • Drink plenty of water: headaches can be caused or aggravated by dehydration;
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol: caffeine and alcohol can make headaches worse;
  • Eat regular meals: regular meals keep blood sugar levels stable, which can help prevent headaches;
  • Exercise: sporting activity helps reduce the incessant work of the mind, stress and all its consequences;
  • Manage stress: there are many ways to manage stress such as meditation, yoga or even a simple walk in nature.

If you experience frequent or severe headaches, it is still important to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Can headaches be prevented?

If you regularly suffer from headaches, you will know that there are situations that trigger them more easily than others. It might come when you get angry with a colleague at work, when you feel that you have too many thoughts, when you over-exert your body or simply from a change in temperature.

In general, there are some tricks to prevent headaches:

  • Identifying triggers: the most important point is certainly to find out what situations cause it so that it can be avoided. Common triggers include stress, specific foods or drinks, changes in atmospheric pressure or temperature, lack of sleep, bright light, loud sounds, pungent smells, menstrual cycle, alcohol, caffeine, other drugs;
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: a controlled diet, regular sleep and exercise can help relax the body and mind;
  • Stress management: nowadays, stress is one of the causes of most headaches, so it is important to keep it under control and let go of anything that does not make you feel good;
  • Take preventive substances: if you have to deal with a situation that you already know could cause you headaches, resort to the natural methods that we will see in a moment.

To prevent headaches you have to do some observational work on yourself and, if the pain does come, see how best to deal with it.

Natural headache remedies

In the world of natural medicine, there are a wide range of approaches to relieve headaches without resorting to conventional drugs. Below, we will look at two powerful strategies: therapeutic massage and natural extracts. Both of these methods offer a holistic approach to headache relief, addressing not only the physical symptoms, but also the general well-being of the person. As we mentioned earlier, simultaneous use of relaxing massages and the use of extracts from beneficial plants can help to rapidly reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches, providing natural and lasting relief.

Where to massage to relieve pain

Massage can be an effective way to relieve headaches, but the points to be massaged vary depending on the cause and location of the discomfort. If the headache is concentrated in the front part of the head, often related to stress or muscle tension, you can apply light pressure with your fingers on both sides of the temples, moving your fingers in small circles for a few minutes.

For headaches that are concentrated in the back of the skull, as is often the case with tension from poor posture, you can gently massage the base of the skull with your fingers, applying light pressure and circular movements.

If you suffer from migraine, you can try massaging the area between your thumb and index finger on the opposite hand. This point is known as โ€˜LI4โ€™ and is located between the thumb and index finger, in the fleshy part of the hand. Gently stimulating this point can help reduce the pain associated with migraine. Another nerve point is located on the inside of the forearm, two fingers below the elbow. Squeezing this point can reduce the pain.

Remember that massages should always be performed gently and without forcing. If the headache is particularly intense or persistent, it is always advisable to consult a doctor.

Natural extracts against headaches

Finally, we come to natural headache remedies that you can try together with healthy habits and a massage in the area most affected by the pain.  

Let’s look at the most suitable extracts for headaches:

  • Cayenne pepper: this extract, known for its pungency, contains capsaicin, which can help reduce the perception of pain; applying a cayenne pepper cream relaxes the muscles and consequently reduces discomfort;
  • Lavender: Lavender essential oil has relaxing properties and can be used for massage or aromatherapy, its delicate scent has been associated with a decrease in stress and tension that often trigger headaches, for quick absorption you can apply it to the temples or feet with a gentle massage;
  • CBD: cannabidiol has become a topic of interest in the management of various types of pain; it is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that has demonstrated potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

CBD, in particular, works on the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is involved in the regulation of pain, mood, and other physiological functions. In this way, it does not merely anaesthetise the symptoms as is the case with traditional drugs, but treats the pain at its root to prevent its frequent recurrence.  

Try CBD products to combat headaches

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of CBD for headaches, we invite you to discover the range of products offered by Maria CBD Oil. Our solutions have been carefully crafted with a focus on quality and efficacy.

Make CBD part of your natural approach to relieve headaches and improve your general wellbeing thanks to its many healing properties.

Visit our online shop and discover all CBD products that can help you find relief from headaches and improve your quality of life. Take control of your well-being today with Maria CBD Oil!

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