Do you have higher than usual stress levels? Are you feeling down in the dumps? Do you suffer from any pain? Do you have acne? For these and many other ailments, Full Spectrum CBD oil is the solution.
Many have started to search the market for the best full-spectrum CBD oil for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.
Then a question may arise: can hemp oil really help me? The answer is Yes!
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound found within the hemp plant. It is extracted for the production of various products, that have grown in popularity in recent years precisely because of their efficacy. In fact, this active ingredient is able to cure numerous illnesses ranging from anxiety to addiction, from convulsions to cancer.
Unlike THC, the second most famous active ingredient contained in cannabis, CBD does not get you “high”. It is not psychoactive and does not cause any alteration of mental faculties, it only has healing and calming effects.
Full Spectrum CBD oil products are derived from the combination of all the natural components found in the hemp plant, which we will look at in detail shortly. Let’s find out now which is the best Full Spectrum CBD Oil.
What Full Spectrum means
Full Spectrum, or Full Spectrum CBD, is the oil composed not only of CBD, but also of all the other natural substances already present in the hemp plant, including THC. These substances include minerals, vitamins, proteins, flavonoids, terpenes, fibres, essential fats and other cannabinoids.
But how did it become so famous?
Because Full Spectrum CBD oil realises the so-called ‘entourage effect‘: all the components, which already work in synergy in nature, act in the body by increasing their effectiveness.
This differentiates the Full Spectrum version from the isolated version, in which we find a high concentration of CBD but without the other substances.
It also differs from the Broad Spectrum version, where all components except THC are present.
And according to some scientific tests, it appears that CBD and THC are more effective when used in combination. Moreover, CBD appears to be potent enough to neutralise the psychoactive effect of THC (when present in a low percentage).
How to choose the best CBD oil
The popularity of CBD continues to grow, which means that many have started selling it. On the one hand, this is a great thing because a product with countless beneficial properties is being cleared through customs. But on the other hand, it represents a risk, because you may also find products of dubious origin on the market.
But don’t worry, because there are a few small criteria you should always keep in mind in order to be able to find the best Full Spectrum CBD Oil.
First of all, you have to check the label, looking for the cannabinoid concentration. On the CBD concentration, there are no particular problems. On the contrary, Full Spectrum CBD oil is sold in different concentrations depending on the customer’s needs. For a simple tension situation, even a low percentage is fine, whereas if we are talking about treating chronic pain or cancer, a higher concentration is needed.
Even more important, however, is the THC concentration. In the UK, only certified hemp plants containing less than 0.02% THC, so-called light cannabis, may be cultivated. This means that the percentage written on the label must also be very low.
But be careful, because it seems that cases of mislabelling are very high, so you have to make sure that the company you are buying the product from is a serious company. That way you can be pretty sure you are getting a good deal.

Product origin
We are talking about a natural substance, so it is very important to know where the product itself comes from.
First of all, it is important to know where the plants are grown and by which method. They can be grown in a greenhouse, outdoors or indoors. Depending on the type of cultivation and the area, the end product may be slightly different.
A second very important aspect regarding the cultivation method is the use of chemicals such as herbicides. Organic cultivation ensures a truly natural product, which is what customers want to buy.
A third key aspect is the method of CBD extraction. There are different types and each ensures more or less purity to the product. For example, the most sophisticated method is that with supercritical CO2 which separates the CBD without affecting its purity. In contrast, alcohol extraction is cheaper but also more rudimentary and risks affecting the quality of the compound obtained.
Brand reliability
The best Full Spectrum CBD oil can only be found from a serious company; it is this one that assures you of the quality of the product. And this is especially true when you buy from an online shop, thus without direct contact with the seller.
The company you decide to buy oil from should be very transparent about its history on its website. It should talk about the method of cultivation, extraction and its history.
In addition, it should always make contact details such as e-mail, telephone number and location address clearly visible. In this way it makes itself available to clarify any doubts that may arise in the end customer.
If something about the product does not convince you, you should always have the opportunity to contact the company to ask for clarification; it is your right. In fact, you should be wary of companies that leave no reference or contact details.
CBD concentration
The cannabinoids contained within the oil are measured in milligrams. Now let’s see what role concentration plays.
First of all, is concentration also synonymous with effectiveness?
At first glance, you might be led to think that a higher CBD concentration is more effective. This is not always true because a higher amount of CBD may dampen the efficacy of the other components.
So why is Full Spectrum CBD Oil found in different concentrations? Firstly, because fewer applications of a high concentration oil are needed to achieve results, and secondly because the higher the concentration, the purer and higher the quality of the product should be.
So, the choice is purely personal.
You can find Full Spectrum CBD oil in different percentages, starting at 5%. This starting percentage is suitable for mild symptoms. Remember that other cannabinoids and terpenes are also present in the Full Spectrum version. This formulation is fine for those who are approaching CBD oil for the first time, as it is best to start with a low dosage and then increase.
A medium concentration, on the other hand, is suitable for those who have already tested the basic concentration and want to go a step further. Perhaps they already suffer from persistent or daily ailments, or have had an accident such as a sprain during training.
Finally, higher concentrations are good for those with chronic pain, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, nervous system problems or those who are fighting cancer.
How many drops of CBD per day
There is no standard dosage that fits everyone, because not all people are the same. The correct amount of CBD to achieve effects depends on many factors such as your body weight, your chemical structure, the disease you want to treat and the concentration in the product.
The best thing you can do is to seek advice from your doctor or a specialist, especially if you are already taking medication to treat a condition. You should in fact be aware that it could interact and thus lower the effectiveness or action of the drug.
A second criterion that should always be observed is to start with a low dosage and then gradually increase it, always keeping the effects monitored. This also serves to avoid possible side effects.
It can be helpful to keep track of the effects day by day by writing them down in a notebook. This way you can see if the condition is improving and in which way to increase the dosage.
The best CBD oil for your needs
There are thousands of products on the market, but always remember the criteria we have outlined to find the best Full Spectrum CBD Oil for your needs.
Always inquire about the origin of the product, the method by which the plants were grown and the method of CBD extraction. Read the history of the company and if something is not clear to you, do not be afraid to ask for explanations.
Then evaluate the CBD concentration and composition of the product. A low concentration is fine for treating mild symptoms or if it is your first time with hemp oil. In addition, always make sure that it also contains all the other natural substances present in the plant. You can easily find this out from the product analysis sheets.
Now that you have a clearer idea of how to find the best Full Spectrum CBD Oil, visit our store and choose the concentration that best suits your needs.
CBD is legal as long as it comes from European-certified light cannabis plants containing less than 0.02% THC.
Our products are high quality and certified, they are also easy to order via the online shop and we ship them in discreet packages. This guarantees the anonymity of the contents. It is legal to purchase products online if they meet the criteria set by current legislation.
CBD oil is an oil composed of cannabinoids and other natural substances extracted from the cannabis plant and diluted in a carrier oil. It is usually an MCT oil, odourless and tasteless.
CBD oil is beneficial to the body because it interacts with the endocannabinoid system present in the central and peripheral nervous system. It is a biological system responsible for many functions such as pain, mood, sleep, appetite, and movement.