
CBD Oil 5% for Dogs

(38 customer reviews)

Original price was: £19.99.Current price is: £16.99.

Maria CBD Oil’s 5% CBD oil for dogs is a natural product designed with a formulation especially for our four-legged friends. All of our CBD oils are prepared using the supercritical CO2 extraction method, a process that guarantees a high yield and easy recovery of the extracted material.

CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory that, in both humans and animals, helps to alleviate feelings of discomfort and subsequent ailments caused by various diseases.

Our CBD oil for dogs, with its pleasant beefy aroma, is suitable for all species, contains no terpenes and is easy to administer. Moreover, it is an effective CBD product of the highest quality:

100% Legal
100% Natural
100% Pure
100% Quality

Delivery expected in 24/48 hours (Saturday and Sunday excluded)

SKU: 8059575480054

CBD oil 5% for dogs

Have you already heard about the miraculous power of CBD for our four-legged friends? Let me introduce you to Maria CBD Oil 5% CBD for Dogs! This natural product has been specially formulated to offer optimal support for the health and well-being of our adorable furry companions.

What makes our CBD oil so special? We only use the supercritical CO2 extraction method, which guarantees a high yield and maximum purity of the final product. This means you are only giving your dog the best that Mother Nature has to offer.

Surprise your four-legged friend with Maria CBD 5% CBD Oil for Dogs and give him a life full of health and happiness. There is nothing more important to us than seeing him leap with joy and enjoy every single moment with you!

Is CBD oil safe for dogs?

CBD oil is a natural remedy with beneficial effects not only for humans but also for pets. CBD Oil for Dogs from Maria CBD Oil is a viable alternative for the treatment of ailments and disorders that your dog may suffer from. It comes in 10 ml glass bottles with a convenient dropper pipette that makes administration easy.

The difference is that oils for humans contain the full spectrum of the hemp plant and therefore also the terpenes, aromatic compounds that are well tolerated by humans but not by dogs, which is why our CBD oil for dogs is terpene-free.

Maria CBD Oil for dogs has been designed and developed especially for dogs and to best meet their needs and requirements. Thanks to strict laboratory tests, we guarantee that our CBD oil is free of toxins and THC, safe for pets and formulated using only 100% natural ingredients.

How 5% CBD oil acts on dogs

Vertebrates, a category to which both humans and dogs belong, are endowed with the endocannabinoid system, responsible for the regulation of multiple cognitive and physical functions. This system is composed of specific receptors with which CBD interacts, bringing benefits to the body and mind: it relieves pain, accelerates muscle recovery, and contributes to relaxation and recovery of mental and physical balance.

In the particular case of dogs, CBD oil releases its properties and participates in the following processes

  • it alleviates pain sensations
  • stimulates appetite;
  • regulates mood;
  • helps manage anxiety and stress;
  • decreases aggression;
  • acts on conditions of inflammation or infection.

Supplementing CBD through edibles increases the amount of endocannabinoids and restores order within the system.

Are there any side or unwanted effects?

Scientific tests have shown that there are no real side effects on either humans or dogs. Mild undesirable reactions that CBD can cause are limited to dry mouth, a feeling of tiredness or drowsiness. All this can easily be avoided by choosing certified, quality products for your four-legged friend, always administered carefully and following the recommended dosage.

When you choose to use a CBD product, i.e. one that is derived from natural extracts, you should not be in a hurry to see results. It is important to allow your body time to get used to the substance. It may take some time, but you will allow your dog a gradual and smooth adaptation process.

In any case, we recommend that you seek prior advice from your vet, especially if your dog is already undergoing other treatments.

How to administer 5% CBD oil to your dog

The easiest way to administer cannabidiol to our dog is with CBD drops. You can put the drops directly into the dog’s mouth or pour them over food.

It is always a good idea to start with a low dose or the dose recommended by your vet. To see the desired effects, we recommend using the product for at least 3 months, always paying attention to the dosage.

If this is the first time you are trying this product with your pet, we recommend that you also start with a low concentration, which is also the concentration expected in CBD oils designed especially for animals.

Online Sale of CBD Oil for Dogs

Maria CBD Oil for dogs is only available online in our shop!

All our products are 100% legal, safe and of high quality.

How many drops of CBD for your dog?

When it comes to administering CBD to your dog, it is important to make sure you dose correctly. But how many drops of CBD should you give your faithful four-legged friend? Don’t worry, we are here to help!

The amount of CBD drops you should give depends on several factors, such as your dog’s weight, his medical condition and the concentration of the product you are using. It is always advisable to consult your vet before starting any administration regimen.

In general, a good rule of thumb is to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until the desired effect is achieved. For smaller or lighter dogs, you might start with 1-2 drops twice a day and then carefully monitor their response.

Remember that each dog is a unique individual and may react differently to CBD. Watch your dog’s behaviour carefully and make adjustments in the dose if necessary.

Never forget the importance of the quality of the product you are using. Always make sure you buy CBD products for dogs from reliable and certified sources.

We hope this information has been helpful in determining the right CBD doses for your beloved furry friend!

38 reviews for CBD Oil 5% for Dogs

  1. Italian


    Anche l’imballaggio era perfetto, senza rischiare che si danneggiasse nulla. Davvero un servizio impeccabile!

  2. Italian


    Ottima qualità-prezzo e consegna precisa

  3. Italian


    Consegna super rapida e discreta.

  4. Polish


    Ho iniziato ad usare l’olio CBD per i dolori muscolari, e devo dire che ha fatto una grande differenza. Non è una cura miracolosa, ma aiuta davvero a ridurre la tensione. Sono molto soddisfatta e lo prendo ormai regolarmente

  5. Italian


    un olio che dovrebbero consigliare tutti i veterinari!!!!
    ha aiutato con la dermatite del mio cucciolo

  6. Italian


    Il mio cane soffre di artrosi ormai da tempo e questo è stato l’UNICO prodotto che l’ha veramente aiutato.
    glielo mischio con la sua pappa tutti i giorni, le medicine ho smesso di comprarle!

  7. Italian


    Il mio chihuahua di 9 anni è tornato a correre da quando assume questo prodotto!
    Gli piace anche tanto di sapore

  8. Italian


    solo una parola: GRAZIE!

  9. Italian


    Il mio cane sembra stare meglio

  10. Italian


    Fin da subito l’ho usato per il mio cane e devo dire ottimo prodotto

  11. Italian


    Porta miglioramenti veramente al mio cane, quindi vi ringrazio perchè non imbrogliate.

  12. Italian


    Mi sono fidato e ho fatto il mio primo ordine: consegna velocissima e tutto arrivato in condizioni perfette. Imballaggio discreto e preciso. Non vedo l’ora di fare il prossimo ordine!

  13. Italian


    Mi sono fidato e ho fatto il mio primo ordine: consegna velocissima e tutto arrivato in condizioni perfette. Imballaggio discreto e preciso. Non vedo l’ora di fare il prossimo ordine!

  14. Italian


    Non è la prima volta che compro, e sicuramente non sarà l’ultima!

  15. Italian


    Consegna molto buona

  16. Italian

    francesco P.

    Da quando uso l’olio CBD, la mia ansia è molto più sotto controllo. Non è una soluzione immediata, ma con l’uso regolare mi sento più equilibrato. Lo consiglio a chi cerca un po’ di serenità in più nella propria routine.

  17. Italian


    finalmente un valido prodotto per gli acciacchi del mio fido amico a 4 zampe!

  18. Italian

    francesca p

    Da quando somministro questo olio CBD al mio cane, ho notato una riduzione significativa della sua ansia. È più calmo e sereno durante i temporali.

  19. Italian



  20. Italian


    ottimo contro lo stato di paura che aveva

  21. Italian


    Pablo, approva questo olio. ora è tornato a camminare senza dolore

  22. Italian


    ottimo, il mio cane ne ha tratto un grande beneficio

  23. English



  24. German



  25. English



  26. German



  27. English



  28. Italian


    il mio cane ne trae un grande beneficio. super consigliato per chi come me ha un cane anziano pieno di dolori

  29. Italian


    il mio cane ne trae un grande beneficio. super consigliato per chi come me ha un cane anziano pieno di dolori

  30. Italian


    Aiuta il mio cane di anni 19 ad esser più sereno anche nei momenti di demenza senile, aiuta il sonno e vari dolori. Lo consiglio!

  31. Italian


    Aiuta il mio cane di anni 19 ad esser più sereno anche nei momenti di demenza senile, aiuta il sonno e vati dolori. Lo consiglio!

  32. Italian


    Ho notato un miglioramento significativo nell’umore del mio cane dopo poche dosi.

  33. Italian


    Migliorato il comportamento e il benessere generale del mio cane.

  34. Italian

    matteo lo duca

    il mio cane ha risolto il suo problema alle zampe. super consigliato

  35. Italian

    Pierino Barca (verified owner)

    un toccasana per il mio cane

  36. Italian

    claudia l.

    Riduce lo stress nei viaggi in auto, sicuro ed efficace.

  37. Italian


    Facile da dosare, il mio cane adora il sapore.

  38. Italian


    Aiuta il mio cane anziano con i dolori articolari, risultati positivi.

Show only reviews in English (3)

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