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Maria CBD Oil

CBD oil: Ten Aspects To Be Aware Of

Still have doubts about CBD oil? Find out more about this natural product in 10 points that will clarify everything you need to know!

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Tryptophan-rich foods to face life with more joy

Tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin, the feel-good hormone, and there are foods and natural supplements that help you stimulate its production. Find out what it is used for and how to introduce it into your daily routine to benefit your health.

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Properties and benefits of cannabidiol – the natural health aid

The benefits of cannabidiol allow it to be used safely as a dietary supplement or as a component of skin care and wellness products, without the risk of altering perception or cognitive functions.

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THC and CBD: the Different Substances of Cannabis

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are two substances that are present in cannabis but have different properties and functions. Let’s see what they are used for, if and how to use them.

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Tryptophan, melatonin and CBD, links and benefits

Tryptophan is converted into serotonin, the feel-good hormone, and melatonin promotes proper sleep. Effects that CBD, the natural substance extracted from the hemp plant, also boasts.

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How to extract CBD from hemp and what is the best method

There are several ways to extract CBD from Hemp, some are more environmentally friendly while others are cheaper. Learn about the more innovative and sophisticated ones that make CBD products better than others.

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La funzione del triptofano e della serotonina

Il triptofano è un amminoacido che assumiamo attraverso cibi e sostanze, aiuta a equilibrare molte funzioni dell’organismo e darci benessere. Vediamo in quali alimenti è contenuto e come puoi introdurlo in modo semplice ed efficace nella tua quotidianità.

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What is CBD, what it does and what are its benefits

CBD is a natural substance with numerous properties now known for its beneficial effects. Different from THC, it helps the body maintain or regain a state of well-being.

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CBD effects on kidneys

CBD and cannabinoids provide various benefits to the body and can also have positive effects on the kidneys due to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory power.

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Natural psychotropic substances: how is CBD classified?

Psychotropic substances act on psychic functions by altering them, they can also be dangerous. CBD is different and, therefore, it is not harmful, indeed it has beneficial properties.

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What is THC and what are its effects?

THC is the psychoactive substance contained in the hemp plant, very different from CBD. Let’s find out what are their differences and the effects they have on the human body and mind.

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Endocannabinoid system: how it works and how CBD acts

The endocannabinoid system is a physiological apparatus of the human body responsible for many vital functions. CBD interacts with the body through this system. The plant’s active ingredients meet corresponding receptors in the body and elicit actions that contribute to well-being.

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Maria CBD Oil