Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are two substances that are present in cannabis but have different properties and functions. Let’s see what they are used for, if and how to use them.
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Ho deciso di aprire Maria CBD Oil, un eCommerce dedicato ai prodotti al CBD, un settore che mi appassiona profondamente per le sue potenzialità innovative e per l’impatto positivo che queste soluzioni naturali possono avere sul benessere delle persone.
How to evaluate, choose and administer the best CBD oil for dogs, a natural product that ensures the animal’s wellbeing and health, without running side risks.
Tryptophan is converted into serotonin, the feel-good hormone, and melatonin promotes proper sleep. Effects that CBD, the natural substance extracted from the hemp plant, also boasts.
Hemp extracts, such as CBD oil, are natural products that help cats with cancer manage symptoms due to the disease or side effects of treatments.
There are several ways to extract CBD from Hemp, some are more environmentally friendly while others are cheaper. Learn about the more innovative and sophisticated ones that make CBD products better than others.
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Il triptofano è un amminoacido che assumiamo attraverso cibi e sostanze, aiuta a equilibrare molte funzioni dell’organismo e darci benessere. Vediamo in quali alimenti è contenuto e come puoi introdurlo in modo semplice ed efficace nella tua quotidianità.
Can CBD oil be used by epilepsy sufferers or to treat epileptic seizures? There are several opinions, here we tell you about them to help you clarify your ideas.
CBD oil is a painkiller and anti-inflammatory that helps you relieve the symptoms of endometriosis and painful menstruation by acting naturally on your body.
Having trouble falling asleep? Try a self-made CBD drink, CBD oil drops for sleep, or an herbal tea. They will help you rest better and be more alert during the day.
CBD drinks include herbal teas that can be used as a classic infusion, or you can prepare self-made drinks with drops of CBD oil. Find out how this natural product helps you eliminate aches and pains.
CBD oil is a natural product also used to combat anxiety and to find relief from general states of anxiety or panic attacks. Cannabidiol has no psychotropic effects and its properties have been scientifically proven.