You’re one of those people who underestimate the importance of taking care of your skin? Guess what? It is a vitally important issue! Often, we neglect our skin care, forgetting that it is our first line of defence against external agents, bacteria and the daily challenges we face. Our skin is not just a covering; […]

Ciò che mi affascina di più al mondo sono le parole. La loro storia evolutiva, la potenza di significato che contengono, sono il veicolo della forma più alta di comunicazione. Insieme creano un codice, e ogni codice rappresenta secoli e secoli di cultura, tradizioni, idee. Sono convinta che scegliere le giuste parole, nel giusto ordine, sia di primaria importanza quando si vuole trasmettere un messaggio. Da qui, la mia passione per le lingue e la scrittura.
In questo blog, mi dedico al CBD e alle sue applicazioni, tema che mi sta molto a cuore perché, contro ogni tipo di pregiudizio, si tratta di una sostanza naturale, alternativa ai farmaci, che può aiutare molte persone.
Buona lettura! 👩🏽💻
The world’s best-known cannabinoids are known to be CBD and THC, which are widely used in different types of products as support for the general wellbeing of the body and treatment of specific conditions. Not everyone knows, however, that the first compound of the cannabis plant to be isolated around 1800 was actually CBN, which […]
Have you just bought a CBD product and you want to know how it works? Have you read that CBD mainly interacts with the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 but you don’t know what they are? Don’t worry, we’ll explain it to you! CB1 and CB2 receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, a cellular […]
CBD-based products have been increasingly in vogue in recent years, nationally and internationally. There is something for every need: chronic and acute pain, anxiety, stress, depression, sleep disorders, skin problems, inflammation and more. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid from the cannabis plant that has no psychoactive effects but rather pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and calming effects. […]
Among the many components of cannabis, Cannabicromene (CBC) has recently attracted the attention of scholars for its still largely unexplored therapeutic properties. That’s right, besides the better known CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), there are other cannabinoids, such as CBD, that offer a wide range of potential benefits for our body. Cannabicromene is known for […]
In recent years, skincare has become one of the trendiest topics on social media, especially on TikTok. There seems to be a great awareness of how important skin care is, especially nowadays. Following a certain skincare helps maintain a healthy, clean and protected skin, improving its appearance and preventing problems such as acne, dryness, premature […]
Is your dog starting to get a certain age and no longer moves like he used to? He could be suffering from the beginning of arthrosis, which is absolutely normal when your four-legged friend’s years begin to rise. They are no longer as agile as they used to be, you see them in pain when […]
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance found in hemp plants that has no psychoactive effects, but rather relaxing, soothing, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. This happens through the interaction between CBD and the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that we all possess in our body. The debate about the therapeutic use of CBD has recently expanded, spread to […]
The cannabis situation in the US has always been complex and evolving, characterised by a strong tension between federal and state laws. It was here in the United States that prohibition against the use of cannabis began, with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This legislation […]
Many people do not know it, but even our four-legged friends, whom we often consider members of our family for all intents and purposes, can suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. The causes can be manifold and generate in the animal a state of anxiety and stress that potentially leads to the activation of anxious […]
Despite its centuries-old reputation as a strongly conservative country, Germany takes a step ahead of many others and becomes the largest European nation to legalise, albeit partially, the recreational use of cannabis. And no, we are not talking about so-called ‘legal weed’, but rather traditional cannabis. The legalisation of cannabis has long been one of […]