Il Beta Cariofillene è un terpene naturale con proprietà analgesiche e antinfiammatorie, una soluzione gentile contro dolori muscolari e molto altro.

Have you ever heard about Beta-Caryophyllene? It is a natural terpene that is gaining increasing attention for its many beneficial properties and its applications. This aromatic compound is found in many plants and spices, such as black pepper, cloves and hemp, and it is known for its characteristic spiced and peppery aroma.

Recent studies suggest that this terpene has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anxiolytic properties, making it a promising ally in the management of chronic pain, anxiety and other inflammatory conditions when it comes into contact with the human body.

Besides its benefits for health, Beta-Caryophyllene is prized in the food and cosmetic industry for its unique aromatic profile, adding deepness and complexity to a wide range of products.

Scientific research is continuing to explore the potentiality of this terpene, opening new frontiers in the field of natural medicine and alternative therapies. Let’s see what has been discovered so far.

What is Beta-Caryophyllene?

Beta-Caryophyllene is a type of terpene, a class of organic compounds produced by numerous plants and responsible for many of their distinctive aromas. 

Terpenes are a wide range of organic compounds produced by a variety of plants and some insects. They are responsible for aromas, flavours and even the colours of many plants.

Chemically, terpenes are hydrocarbons derived from the assembly of isoprene units (C5H8), and can be classified into different categories depending on the number of isoprene units they contain, such as monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, and so on. Chemically, Beta-Caryophyllene is a bicyclic sesquiterpene with the molecular formula C15H24.

These compounds are present in many aromatic and medicinal plants, as terpenes contribute not only to the aromatic profile, but also to the therapeutic properties. 

Where is it found?

As we were mentioning, Beta-Caryophyllene is found in many aromatic plants and spices.

Here are some significant examples of its natural sources:

  • Black pepper (Piper nigrum): Beta Caryophyllene is one of the main terpenes present in black peppercorns, giving it its characteristic spicy, peppery aroma;
  • Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum): this spice is particularly rich in Beta Caryophyllene, which contributes to its intense aroma and health benefits;
  • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum): cinnamon also contains Beta Caryophyllene, which adds complexity to its sweet and spicy aroma;
  • Cannabis (Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica): in cannabis, or hemp, Beta Caryophyllene is one of the most abundant terpenes;
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): this common aromatic herb also contains Beta Caryophyllene;
  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum): particularly in sweet basil, Beta Caryophyllene adds a peppery, spicy note;
  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): used in beer production;
  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare): oregano is also a rich source of Beta Caryophyllene.

Due to its presence in various aromatic plants, this terpene is widely used in cooking as well as in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

The properties of Beta-Caryophyllene

If you have been paying attention so far, you will have realised that terpenes not only provide the aromatic profile of plants, but also possess numerous beneficial properties

In particular, Beta-Caryophyllene is a: 

  • Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation by interacting with the immune system and peripheral tissues, thus becoming useful in treating chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis;
  • Analgesic: may be effective in reducing pain without the side effects of traditional drugs;
  • Anxiolytic: some studies suggest that Beta-Caryophyllene may have anxiolytic effects, helping to reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress;
  • Antioxidant: this terpene has been shown to possess antioxidant properties, which may protect cells from damage caused by free radicals;
  • Antibacterial: Beta Caryophyllene has also shown potential antibacterial properties, helping to fight bacterial infections.

Another natural compound you can find in the hemp plant that has very similar properties is CBD. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a very potent cannabinoid with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anxiolytic and antioxidant properties. 

Both Beta Caryophyllene and CBD are considered safe for human use, with few known side effects and without the psychotropic properties associated with THC.

How does it interact with the human body?

Beta-Caryophyllene acts on the human body through various mechanisms, mainly by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. This system is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in the body, regulating functions such as pain, inflammation, mood and the immune system. 

Beta-Caryophyllene differs from other terpenes in its ability to selectively bind to CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. CB2 receptors are predominantly found in cells of the immune system and peripheral tissues, rather than in the central nervous system, where CB1 receptors are more common.

By binding to CB2 receptors, Beta-Caryophyllene can modulate the body’s inflammatory response. As mentioned earlier, this makes it effective in reducing chronic inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and other inflammatory diseases.

Activation of CB2 receptors also helps modulate pain perception. Beta Cariofillene can reduce chronic and neuropathic pain without the side effects associated with traditional analgesics.

It is also believed that Beta Cariofillene can influence neurotransmitter levels in the brain, improving mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Similarly, CBD also implements its beneficial characteristics through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system present throughout the human body. 

Are there any contraindications?

Beta-Caryophyllene is generally considered safe for human use. However, as with any substance, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and precautions. 

Here are some considerations regarding Beta Caryophyllene contraindications: 

  • Allergic reactions: some people may be allergic to Beta Cariofillene or plants containing it, such as black pepper or cloves; allergic reactions may range from mild skin irritations to more severe reactions such as anaphylaxis;
  • Drug interactions: Beta Caryophyllene may interact with some drugs, especially those metabolised by the liver, it is important to consult a doctor if you are taking drugs regularly, as it may affect the efficacy or metabolisation of the drugs;
  • Gastrointestinal effects: in some cases, ingestion of large amounts of Beta Cariofillene may cause gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea or diarrhoea, these effects are generally rare and related to high doses.

As with any supplement or natural substance, it is important not to exceed the recommended doses in order to avoid any side effects. The beneficial effects of Beta Caryophyllene are generally obtained with moderate doses.

In addition, people with pre-existing medical conditions, particularly those related to the immune system or liver function, should consult a doctor before using products containing Beta Caryophyllene.

Despite these potential contraindications, Beta Caryophyllene is generally recognised as safe. It is widely used in food, beverages and personal care products without significant reports of adverse effects. 

What does science say?

Science has begun to explore the properties and benefits of Beta Caryophyllene in depth, with numerous studies highlighting its therapeutic potential. Let’s look at some of them together. 

A study1 published in 2008 in ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ found that Beta Caryophyllene acts as a selective cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor agonist, reducing inflammation and pain in animal models. This study showed that Beta Cariofillene may be useful in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions and pain.

Another study2 published in 2014 in ‘Physiology & Behavior’ examined the effects of Beta Caryophyllene on animal models of anxiety and depression. The results showed that Beta Caryophyllene significantly reduced anxiety and depressive behaviour, suggesting its potential as a treatment for mood disorders.

A study3 published in Cancer Medicine in 2016 explored the anti-cancer properties of Beta Caryophyllene in colon cancer cells. The researchers found that Beta Caryophyllene inhibits cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis (programmed cell death), suggesting a potential role as an anti-cancer agent.

We can also mention another research4, published in 2019 in ‘Frontiers in Pharmacology,’ analysed the antibacterial activity of Beta Caryophyllene against several species of pathogenic bacteria. The study found that Beta Caryophyllene possesses significant antibacterial activity, potentially useful for the treatment of bacterial infections.

Discover our natural CBD products

Beta-Caryophyllene and CBD represent two of the most promising natural compounds derived from the hemp plant, each with a unique profile of therapeutic benefits. Both offer potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Besides the similarities, there are also important distinctions. CBD is widely recognised for its anxiolytic and neuroprotective properties, making it useful in the treatment of anxiety, epilepsy and neurodegenerative disorders. Beta-Caryophyllene, with its antibacterial and hepatoprotective properties, offers additional specific benefits that enrich the landscape of natural therapies.

The synergy between Beta Caryophyllene and CBD, often referred to as the ‘entourage effect,’ exemplifies how various hemp compounds can work together to enhance their therapeutic effects. This combination can offer a more comprehensive and powerful approach to health and wellness management.

If you are interested in discovering the unique benefits of Beta Caryophyllene and CBD, check out Maria CBD Oil products. With a range of high-quality, natural products, you can find innovative solutions to improve your health and well-being in the Maria CBD Oil CBD shop.  


1. Gertsch J, Leonti M, Raduner S, et al. Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2008;105(26):9099-9104.

2. Bahi A, Mansouri S, Memari EA, et al. β-Caryophyllene, a CB2 receptor agonist, produces multiple behavioral changes relevant to anxiety and depression in mice. Physiol Behav. 2014; 135:119-124.

3. Fidyt K, Fiedorowicz A, Strządała L, et al. β-caryophyllene and β-caryophyllene oxide-natural compounds of anticancer and analgesic properties. Cancer Med. 2016;5(10):3007-3017.

4. Legault J, Pichette A. Potentiating effect of β-caryophyllene on anticancer activity of α-humulene, isocaryophyllene and paclitaxel. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2007;59(12):1643-1647.

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